Oliver + S

flickr changes

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    sidewalkgoddess @sidewalkgoddess

    I sent flickr a message, I hope they will respond (not necessarily directly, but by improving)

    I always post 1 or 2 pics, and then put a link to my blog where more pictures can be found (if anyone is interested)

    Which reminds me! I have stuff to add to the group!!! But… I don’t want to fiddle with Flickr right now :/

    Jess M. @mommy2maria

    I more opposed to the new look mostly because I dislike change so much. lol.

    I tend to look at the Oliver and S group every few weekssoi end up going through quite a few pages at a time. Now that my computer is down I’m limited to my phone app or tablet. At a certain point, usually after about 3-5 load more photos, something happens and it sends me back to the top of the page. Frustrating

    This reason alone has kept me from renewing my pro account because I dislike going through this everytime I looked at a group of pictures. I also noticed with the change the old link didn’t work to my page. Family had a hard time finding my account.

    I do sincerely hope they listen.

    rastis @rastis

    sadly i’m not sure how much flickr is going to change 🙁 they put a note up in the help forum telling us (so we could have “closure”) that we can expect it to continue to look the same as it does now and any changes they make to it will just be tweaks… which makes me sad… i really miss the old flickr 🙁

    wendy @wendyls

    Where can one leave feedback on the new Flickr setup? I agree that it’s just awful to navigate, and so cluttered. I couldn’t even get to the bottom of the page where all of the contact info was because photos wouldn’t stop loading. I can’t say that I’ll be using it anytime soon.

    Nicole @motherof5

    Honestly Wendy, I wouldn’t bother. I attempted in the beginning but it is pretty clear it is staying as it is.

    http://www.flickr.com/help/forum/en-us/ If you are really keen, here is a link.

    Sarvi @Sarvi

    I’m pretty bummed out. I have a big investment in flickr, thousands of tagged photos, years of pro membership, whole communities … all wiped out overnight, effectively. I haven’t uploaded anything new since the change and haven’t seen anybody else’s photos. I’m using FACEBOOK of all the awful things.

    Nicole @motherof5

    I miss you so much Sarvi.

    Tamara @justsewit

    Its just plain crumby you have to resort to Facebook! Its such a shame.

    Sarvi @Sarvi

    Thanks, ladies. 8 years’ worth of tagged and organized photos with comments, covering my leaving work, going back to school, all my traveling, getting married, having a kid, graduating, buying our first home, learning to sew … it’s no joke. Still trying to find a way to migrate all of that.

    Robin @Robin

    I’m having a total, “Come to the dark side, Sarvi” moment. But know that you are missed on there.

    Mama_Knowles @Mama_Knowles

    You are so very much missed Sarvi, by me and my little girl. :_(

    Sarvi @Sarvi

    I miss you guys too! It’s funny — I’m so much less motivated to sew without that visual dialogue, and am no longer watching everybody’s kids grow up. Losing flickr, reader, and my preferred format for yahoo mail all in a short window has made the poor handling of the flickr changes even more painful. With both the others I had not just a chance, but several chances to get accustomed or get out. Every time I go back to search for a particular image I get incredibly angry all over again.

    Nicole @motherof5

    I miss you and many others, my pages take so long to load and then drop out if I do get a chance to view something.

    needlewoman @needlewoman

    Feedback for own work, and the chance to admire and draw inspiration from others’ has become important to me too; commiserations to those drastically affected. Too scared myself to get “into” facebook.

    Sarvi @Sarvi

    When/if iPernity builds in a guest pass feature or similar, I will hand it out! Now that there’s a script to batch-import all my sets, with tags and titles intact, I’ve paid for a membership there and am transporting everything.

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