Oliver + S

City Weekend – which patterns in which fabric?

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    Justine J @justmejay

    I’m just wondering which fabric in the collection will be in knit and which in cotton? (I’m assuming all will be in cotton, but maybe not all in knit??) – want to try and decide which to buy!!!

    Nicole @motherof5

    From memory Justine, that gorgeous sprig is available in both as is the tiny gingham/dot.

    I am not sure what else crosses over…..

    Where will you get yours from?Perhaps we should do a bulk order from http://www.quilthome.com , I think they do a capped box to Aus…..

    Justine J @justmejay

    Thanks Nicole! Don’t know where I’m going to order from yet – the stores I use don’t have listing for it yet – including fabric.com which I thought would be stocking it! I’ll check out your link – a bulk order might work! Any one else????

    Justine J @justmejay

    Checked your link – can’t find it listed there either! Fatquarter shop has it listed – have you used them before?

    Toyota888 @Toyota888

    OMG Nicole you are such a bad influence – they have $40 postage for UNLIMITED quantities… for myself those folksy flannels on the front page could fill a box let alone City Weekend!

    Justine J @justmejay

    It’s amazing postage but are they stocking city weekend? I cannot find it on their site – too early, maybe?

    Anyway, after perusing fatquarter shop for the last hour, I have answered my own question (I think!) – here it is if anyone’s interested:

    Fabric styles:

    *corner florist

    *park ramble (also in knit)


    *roundabout dots

    *street stripe

    *urban grid

    *river view

    *cafe dot (also in knit)


    *candy store pink

    *river blue

    *morning yellow

    *downtown turquoise

    *bistro red

    *yellow gold

    Knowing me, this info is probably posted somewhere obvious but I haven’t found it!

    Nicole @motherof5

    I think Todd may have mentioned them……

    Todd Gibson

    The fabrics started shipping from Moda earlier this week, and not all retailers have received their orders yet.

    Retailers located in Texas near Moda’s distribution center (like Fat Quarter Shop and CityCraft) have fabric in stock and on line already. But it will take a few more days for others (like Fabric.com and Quilthome.com) that are located in other parts of the country to receive their shipments and get the fabric posted on line.

    nancy @dollfancier

    This is a Very Helpful string! Thanks to Everyone! xoxo, Nancy

    freyiris @freyiris

    Hi ladies

    I’d love to go in on a bulk order if you’ll have me. Quilthome have great service (and some great specials sometimes too) – my last order arrived in under a week. My little girls will be moving to toddler beds around Christmas and after seeing the lovely pictures of S’s bedroom I’d love to make some knitted park ramble and cafe dot fitted sheets for their beds.

    I noticed Todd said Quilthome may be a little later in having stock but a week may be just enough for the Australian dollar to achieve parity -a fabric addicts dream!


    Nicole @motherof5

    What state do you live in , Sharon? I will have a chat to Postie and find out the maximum weights and costs!

    freyiris @freyiris

    Hi Nicole, I’m in Canberra – post code 2615. I’ve wondered if you may not be too far away given the sheep grazing districts around here.

    It did strike me, belatedly, that Australian postage costs may end up being the a greater cost!

    Nicole @motherof5

    I am in SA, and the p&h may be a kicker, depends how much you are after, a few pieces or a big order….

    freyiris @freyiris

    You’re right p&h may make it more worthwhile to purchase two US flat rate envelopes instead at about the same price each as a 3kg post bag. I’ll do some weighing and see how much yardage 3kg of fabric works out at see if that combined with 1/2 the cost of a box works out more cost effective. I’ll let you know tomorrow evening. Also do you know offhand if the Is the knit is a wider width fabric- 55 inches? If not I’ll hunt that info down.

    Nicole @motherof5

    Yes Sharon, the knit is wider, which explains the dearer price I guess!

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