Oliver + S

City Weekend – which patterns in which fabric?

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    Liesl Gibson

    Those of you in Australia, I know Moda has an Australian rep. You might want to ask around a bit, because I’m almost certain the line was sold in Australia as well. Maybe call your favorite shops to see if the fabrics are on their way?

    Nicole @motherof5

    Thankyou Liesl. However, living in the ”sticks”, as I do, I have found it as easy and cost effective to order from the States. ( But I am promoting you to any little shops that I do get to, I have handed out so many cards )!

    sayiamyou @maraya

    I thought the CW knits were 60″? I have to say that I suffered ‘sticker shock’ too, but really they feel so wonderful. This is absolutely one instance where you will be getting what you pay for!

    I’ve also been pushing O+S like crazy in my local shop! My girl always fabric shops with me (she enjoys choosing a fabric and then trying her best to carry the bolt around, hehe) so I dress her in O+S to show off to patterns! It’s a shop originally geared at quilting, but slowly they are bringing in more clothing patterns. I’ll have them O+S converts before they know it!

    Liesl Gibson

    Well, thanks! We appreciate that–happy customers are the best marketers, after all.

    aegean17 @aegean17

    is the red Park Ramble pattern available in the knit?

    I can’t find it when I do a search

    sayiamyou @maraya

    No, I think only in yellow, teal and pink. I wish it’d have been in red for the knit. You can get the dots in red though.

    Sarvi @Sarvi

    My order just arrived from fatquartershop.com! I got this: “City Weekend Candy Store Pink Park Ramble Interlock Knits 60″ Wide Yardage.” The color of this looks very different on my monitor depending on which website I’m looking at. It’s pretty close to the swatch on the Fat Quarter site (as it looks to me) — but the “grain” is finer in person, and the pink a little deeper. It is really soft and a little thick. I wish I’d ordered more, now. I’ve been pretty nervous about working with knits, but this stuff is quite luscious and a good motivator.

    aegean17 @aegean17

    thanks maraya regarding the knit. I might have to go with the turquoise Park Ramble instead since the knit is getting such good reviews

    sayiamyou @maraya

    Aegean, the turquoise is very pretty. I just made my daughter a dress in the yellow colorway: http://www.flickr.com/photos/sayiamyou/5078037845/

    It does have a little thickness to it, as Sarvi mentioned. But it’s perfect for us right now, as we’re heading into fall and winter. Even in spring though, I know I’d prefer this. The extra umph helps to sew it up nicely and feel very good! I know you’ll enjoy it, Sarvi!!

    Can’t wait to see what you ladies make!

    aegean17 @aegean17

    thanks Maraya, I saw those in flickr last night – very cute! I love yellow and the trim is great. I’m glad to hear it’s on the thick side.

    I have the pattern and just need to get past a couple projects before buy some knit material 🙂

    Aviatrix51 @Aviatrix51

    My order from Hancock’s of Paducah arrived today.

    I got two yards of the Pink Park Ramble knit – and well, I couldn’t stop petting it.

    I think my kidlet will be getting a hopscotch dress for the fall/winter in this!

    Hancock’s also screwed up and sent me the wrong fabric which they cheerfully rectified at no cost to me!

    These fabrics are divine!

    sayiamyou @maraya

    haha, “couldn’t stop petting it!” So true! It really is nice stuff.

    Anonymous @

    I saw (and felt) the fabric at my local shop a few days ago. SOOOooo nice. Too bad I am completely stocked up on fabric right now. Hmmmmm….maybe just a little to put away for spring clothes….

    Justine J @justmejay

    I ordered the park ramble pink & turquoise knit from fatquarter shop last week – it’s been shipped – can’t wait to get it! Than I too can ‘pet’ it 🙂 (culled my original order – way too much fabric around here at the moment!)

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