Deb replied to the topic The Limerick Thread in the forum off topic 7 years ago
Oh why is this fabric so blue?
I was sure I bought some other hueIt’s hurting my eyes
They’re going cross-wise -
Deb replied to the topic Micro smocking? in the forum sewing with liesl + co and oliver + s 8 years ago
In keeping with heirloom stitching but not smocking per se, here are few thoughts for those wee pleats I had in mind but will probably never get to do:
Stitches in between the pleats: on the…[Read more]
Deb replied to the topic The Limerick Thread in the forum off topic 8 years ago
There are sequins all over the rug
Each one looks like a shiny blue bug -
Deb replied to the topic News and Current Affairs in the forum off topic 8 years ago
Most schools in Ontario (Canada) go back after Labour Day on September 6th.
We call the Labour Day long weekend, “Bad Furniture Weekend” because that’s when the highways are full of parents driving their kids off to college towing some fairly horrid looking furniture for residence.
Deb replied to the topic The Limerick Thread in the forum off topic 8 years ago
I’ve just made a long journey home
And the dishwasher’s all full of foam.
The kids squirted Dawn…
In the house and the lawn -
Deb replied to the topic The Limerick Thread in the forum off topic 8 years ago
What did I do with my thread?
It’s normally kept by the bed
‘Cuz I stitch in my sleep -
Deb replied to the topic The Limerick Thread in the forum off topic 8 years ago
My little girl is about to outgrow
Her coat, her frock and chapeau -
Deb replied to the topic The Limerick Thread in the forum off topic 8 years ago
I’ve woken up with a very sore throat
It feels like I swallowed a goat
I can’t find my pins
My brain has the spins -
Deb replied to the topic The Limerick Thread in the forum off topic 8 years ago
I “thrifted” an old orange chair
The seat and the arms are threadbare
The legs are still good
They’re made of Dogwood -
Deb replied to the topic The Limerick Thread in the forum off topic 9 years ago
There’s nothing that I would like more
Then to visit a distant shore
Lend a hand to a mate
Who is learning to skate
Ice dancing in Spain I adore!Call me a cab ‘cuz I’m late
Deb replied to the topic your wish list in the forum sewing with liesl + co and oliver + s 9 years ago
A Blazer is still top on my wish list and has been for years. A Moto jacket would be awesome though.
Deb replied to the topic advice on serger in the forum off topic 9 years ago
Reeni: Thanks for your info on a Brother serger. People who have that model seem to like it just fine.
Enbee: Thank you so much for taking the time to not only test out a rolled hem on your machine but also post photos. Much appreciated. It sure helps when people share their experiences with their machines, so now shopping for one will be much…[Read more]
Deb replied to the topic advice on serger in the forum off topic 9 years ago
Heidi:- thanks for your advice and experience with a Janome serger.
Deb replied to the topic advice on serger in the forum off topic 9 years ago
Thanks Enbee for your input.
I just looked up your model serger and it seems to have all the features I use in my price range.
Have you tried using the rolled hem feature on your machine? I do rolled hems quite a bit and if it’s as automatic as the description, then that’s a bonus. -
Deb replied to the topic advice on serger in the forum off topic 9 years ago
It looks like I will need to replace my Bernette FunLock serger. It was damaged recently and since it’s 20 years old (or older) perhaps it’s time to replace it.
The sergers in my price bracket that I’ve been looking at are: Juki MO0664D, Brother 1034D & 1134D, and Janome 8002D
Threading a serger is not an issue for me and I have a Janome…[Read more]
Deb replied to the topic advice on serger in the forum off topic 9 years ago
It looks like I will need to replace my Bernette FunLock serger. It was damaged recently and since it’s 20 years old (or older) perhaps it’s time to replace it.
The sergers in my price bracket that I’ve been looking at are: Juki MO0664D, Brother 1034D & 1134D, and Janome 8002D
Threading a serger is not an issue for me and I have a Janome…[Read more]
Deb's profile was updated 9 years ago
Deb replied to the topic Using Tucks in O+S Patterns in the forum
Heirloom Sewing and Embroidery 9 years ago
Try the link again…..
….and near the bottom of the post is instructions on how to do the ‘growth’ tucked hem. I simply call it a tucked hem and use it mainly because I like the neat finish.
Others like it because when the child grows, it can easily be unp…[Read more] -
Deb replied to the topic The Limerick Thread in the forum off topic 9 years ago
A Polar Vortex is heading this way
Do you think Santa would lend me his sleigh?
To go South for the winter
To get me out of this cold hinter
And take me to Montego Bay!!There are threads all over my house….
Deb replied to the topic The Limerick Thread in the forum off topic 9 years ago
When the thermometer dips below zero
Long-johns become my new hero
But I guess you can tell
they’re itchy as hell
‘cuz I’m scratching like some kind of weirdo!Sorry to do the whole limerick, but it’s EXACTLY what I’m doing right now and for the same reason 🙂
A Polar Vortex is heading this way
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