Oliver + S


  • Piper loves her PJ’s. I have made two pair and they are worn on frequent rotation. @juliamom2009 one of P’s pair is a crop pant as well. 😉

    Least worn, nearly everything else. She will wear most things, once or twice but that’s about it. She is very particular about fit and fabric and I usually get it wrong. It’s one of the big reasons I have…[Read more]

  • Jane replied to the topic Is there a name for this style? in the forum off topic 9 years ago

    Hmmmm, I would probable search for capelet, bolero, and shrug just to see what I could find.


  • Jane replied to the topic Fiber Club! in the forum Fiber Club! 9 years ago

    I tried to teach myself how to embroider as I love some of the cute details that can be added to garments. I just couldn’t get it and it frustrated me.

    I took a Craftsy class for crochet in November and am “hooked” (bad pun intended 😉 ). I never knew how simple crochet is, I just love it. Hubby bought me another Craftsy class for Christmas to…[Read more]

  • Jane started the topic It's Snowing! in the forum off topic 9 years ago

    Thank you Liesl, Todd, and S for sharing your passion w/ all of us. Have a wonderful holiday break!

    Since it’s likely, I will only have a wet Christmas, it’s nice to see snow on the front page of the Oliver + S website. 🙂


  • Jane replied to the topic Go To Bed! in the forum off topic 9 years ago

    I think the reason this has been really hard on me is that I, myself, am not a very good sleeper either (guess the apple doesn’t fall far from the tree). I wake up at the slightest sound and then remain awake for an hour or more before falling back asleep. There are nights where between P getting up, and my own waking, I may only get 3 hours of…[Read more]

  • Jane replied to the topic Go To Bed! in the forum off topic 9 years ago

    I ordered a clock (will be here Monday or Tuesday, I can hardly wait) and I found a book called “The Girl Who Got Out of Bed.” I’ve been trying the “Santa probably won’t stop at our house if he thinks you get out of bed,” but she’s not buying it. I will keep you all updated with any progress or where I am in hiding until she is older. 😉


  • Jane replied to the topic Go To Bed! in the forum off topic 9 years ago

    I knew I would get some good advice here and I have. Thank you all from the bottom of my tired heart. 🙂

    I had never heard of a GroClock before, what a wonderful idea. I talk her every night about staying in bed until the sun is up, but maybe something a little more concrete that she can see right in front of her would help. She is interested in…[Read more]

  • Jane replied to the topic Go To Bed! in the forum off topic 9 years ago

    HaHa @LightningMcStitch you gave me an idea, maybe I’ll have a few drinks before bed so I can sleep through it and let hubby deal with it! 😉

  • Jane replied to the topic Go To Bed! in the forum off topic 9 years ago

    HaHa Lightning, you gave me an idea, maybe I’ll have a few drinks before bed so I can sleep through it and let hubby deal with it! 😉

  • Jane started the topic Go To Bed! in the forum off topic 9 years ago

    This is super-duper off topic but since there are so many mother’s here and I am desperate I thought I’d give it a try…

    P turned 5 on Monday and I can’t tell you the last time she slept through the night (we’re talking years). She wakes up anywhere from 1-3+ times at night. When she does, she comes to my room and wakes me up. Generally she runs…[Read more]

  • Jane replied to the topic Sewing Book Advice in the forum off topic 9 years ago

    It’s not a sewing book, but what about a gift certificate to Craftsy? I have been learning so much from their classes lately (now that my stubbornness to figure it out on my own has relaxed a bit). There are some great sewing technique and garment construction classes on Craftsy.


  • Jane replied to the topic Features of a great yoga bag? in the forum off topic 9 years ago

    I usually need a place to put my keys and hold my water bottle. If it’s cold, maybe extra space for a sweatshirt. I really like this pattern (bonus, it’s free), http://www.fabriceditions.com/shop/product/escape-yoga-bag/ , I feel like it would suit my needs well. I just need to get around to making one for myself.


  • Jane changed their profile picture 9 years ago

  • Jane replied to the topic Happy Thanksgiving to All in the forum off topic 9 years ago


    It floats each year. I think the proper formula for when it falls on the calendar is the third Thursday in November.


  • Jane's profile was updated 9 years ago

  • Sarvi, I feel so much better knowing I am not the only one to pin myself to a seam. I do it all the time! 🙂

  • Jane replied to the topic Adding Piping in the forum oliver + s: sleepover 11 years ago

    I am lazy and don’t want to sew something twice, so I use Wonder Tape to hold the piping in place while I stitch the facing (or whatever) to the front piece (or whatever piece I am attaching it to). Works great!


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