J deGroot
J deGroot replied to the topic Fitting issues in the forum liesl + co: gallery tunic + dress 6 years ago
I neglected to add that I have mild drag lines from centre front to the armscyes, which has made me think that increasing the shoulder height might be the place to start.
J deGroot replied to the topic Fitting issues in the forum liesl + co: gallery tunic + dress 6 years ago
I have another fitting question. I just made the Gallery tunic in a size 12. It looks and feels wonderful but it doesn’t quite fit right around the bust. I’ve also made the Cappucino tunic in a size 12 and it fit perfectly so I didn’t make a muslin of this one first (should have :). At first I thought I needed a bicep adjustment but after some…[Read more]
J deGroot's profile was updated 6 years ago
J deGroot posted a new activity comment 6 years ago
I just made the Gallery tunic in a size 12. It looks and feels wonderful but it doesn’t quite fit right around the bust. I’ve also made the Cappucino tunic in a size 12 and it fit perfectly so I didn’t make a muslin of this one first (though I should have). At first I thought I needed a bicep adjustment but after some research I think that…[Read more]
J deGroot became a registered member 6 years ago
I just made the Gallery tunic in a size 12. It looks and feels wonderful but it doesn’t quite fit right around the bust. I’ve also made the Cappucino tunic in a size 12 and it fit perfectly so I didn’t make a muslin of this one first (though I should have). At first I thought I needed a bicep adjustment but after some research I think that…[Read more]
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