Claudia replied to the topic Too much width around hip? in the forum liesl + co: city stroll wrap skirt 8 years ago
Hi! Thanks for your note on this. With “length” you mean the area between hip and waist? I think your suspect good be right. I read that in case of a hollow back/ saddle back (which I have a bit) it could help to lower the waist line in the back. This would decrease that length. Correct? What would you recommend for “flat pattern adjustment”? I…[Read more]
Claudia replied to the topic Too much width around hip? in the forum liesl + co: city stroll wrap skirt 8 years ago
and here are the pictures…the upload did not work at first try….
Claudia -
Claudia started the topic Too much width around hip? in the forum liesl + co: city stroll wrap skirt 8 years ago
I almost finished my first city stroll wrap skirt. The sewing was great fun so far. Before attaching the waistband I wrapped the skirt around me. And it stows above the pockets. It looks like there is too much material in between hip and waist. Can you see on the pics?
Has anyone an idea how to solve this? Lisl, maybe you? Shall i just tighten…[Read more] -
Claudia replied to the topic Lengthening city stroll wrap skirt in the forum liesl + co: city stroll wrap skirt 8 years ago
Hey Maria, thanks for the hint and link. It helps a lot! Claudia
Claudia replied to the topic Lengthening city stroll wrap skirt in the forum liesl + co: city stroll wrap skirt 8 years ago
Is there a maximum you would not exceed when lengthening the skirt? For size 4? Thank you so much! Claudia
Claudia became a registered member 8 years ago
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