Emily P
Emily P replied to the topic Old sewing machine has broken in the forum
Sewing for Yourself 4 years ago
I only use old sewing machines now. I have about a dozen Necchi sewing machines, all older models made in Italy – not the newer ones made in Asia. The free arm Supernova models are fabulous for clothing, but even the more readily available straight stitch BF or zigzag BU are fabulous. A cheap old Singer is better than any new machine. I have a 99…[Read more]
Emily P joined the group
Sewing for Yourself 4 years ago
Emily P replied to the topic sewing machine in the forum off topic 6 years ago
I have made dozens of clothing items for my kids, including hats, bags, backpack, stuffies, etc. Also probably more than 100 costume pieces for my kids’ plays, all on my Janome mechanical Sewist. Increasingly, I found that the Janome was not up to the more rugged projects, such as the back pack and I turned to my Singer 301 for that. Suddenly,…[Read more]
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