Oliver + S


  • nzsewist replied to the topic Ethical concerns in the forum off topic 8 years ago

    I just discovered this thread and thought I would add a couple of comments.

    For wool fabrics my geographic location is quite an advantage when it comes to looking for ethical sources.

    I live in New Zealand so I can very easily source merino wool fabrics where every step of the fabric manufacture process has occurred domestically. It won’t always…[Read more]

  • I have finished N’s monochrome outfit. A roller skate tunic and some playtime leggings. I was inspired by Sarvi’s blog post on photographing children and even snapped some shots of N in her outfit doing some twirls and curtsies on our deck. My Nana had coincidentally just finished knitting her a grey, double breasted jacket from a vintage pattern…[Read more]

  • Thank you everyone for your feedback. I’m sold! There are online auctions I’m watching for some really good quality second hand pairs that close this Thursday, so hopefully I will be able to get those. Otherwise I will be ordering some brand new ones that will come direct to me all the way from the States. I will have to wait three weeks for them…[Read more]

  • I almost always buy new shoes for my girls but sometimes will buy second hand if I come across used shoes that are still in very good condition and for a good price. I do that via an online auction website called TradeMe (the New Zealand equivalent of eBay). I haven’t sold any of my girls shoes yet, they just get passed on to friends with younger…[Read more]

  • @sarvi That is the best shoe recommendation I’ve ever heard! Did the tractor incident actually happen!? 😉

    @justsewit That website looks quite fun.

  • Ha ha @motherof5! I bet a shoe store sales person would get rather excited if you walked in with all of your kids in tow! 🙂 Thank you for your thoughts on the salt waters. It sounds like the marketing talk behind them actually plays out in real life!

    @justsewit I can buy them online new for NZ$65 and I’ve even found some second hand pairs online…[Read more]

  • It is spring here in the southern hemisphere now, so I am starting to think about spring/summer shoes for my girls. N has well and truly grown out of the sandals she wore last summer and L’s feet aren’t big enough for the ones her big sister wore when she was this age.

    I had noticed salt water sandals popping up in a few modelled photos in the…[Read more]

  • nzsewist replied to the topic Toddler Party Food in the forum Group logo of Cooking and BakingCooking and Baking 9 years ago

    Ooh I get so excited about planning party food! 🙂

    For healthy options for kids I normally do:
    – popcorn
    – sandwiches (cut into special shapes with cookie cutters)
    – mini muffins
    – mini quiches
    – vegetables (I use cookie cutters here too, eg. small stars cut from pieces of cucumber)
    – bliss balls
    – chickpeas, black beans etc. maybe sautéed with…[Read more]

  • nzsewist replied to the topic Toddler Party Food in the forum Group logo of Cooking and BakingCooking and Baking 9 years ago

    Ooh I get so excited about planning party food! 🙂

    For healthy options for kids I normally do:
    – popcorn
    – sandwiches (cut into special shapes with cookie cutters)
    – mini muffins
    – mini quiches
    – vegetables (I use cookie cutters here too, eg. small stars cut from pieces of cucumber)
    – bliss balls
    – chickpeas, black beans etc. maybe sautéed with…[Read more]

  • nzsewist replied to the topic What are you sewing now? in the forum off topic 9 years ago

    I have finished the first of the two gingham music class blouses. I really enjoyed the challenge of the collar, plackets and cuffs. I’ve just started on the second one and making quite fast progress this time. I found some faux cowhide at spotlight yesterday so plan on making some cowgirl vests for their costumes by modifying the school days vest…[Read more]

  • nzsewist replied to the topic What are you sewing now? in the forum off topic 9 years ago

    I have finished the first of the two gingham music class blouses. I really enjoyed the challenge of the collar, plackets and cuffs. I’ve just started on the second one and making quite fast progress this time. I found some faux cowhide at spotlight yesterday so plan on making some cowgirl vests for their costumes by modifying the school days vest…[Read more]

  • nzsewist replied to the topic Flickr troubles? in the forum off topic 9 years ago

    I haven’t had that particular problem but I did find that Flickr (on my iPhone at least) was being quite temperamental yesterday. It was taking a while to bring up comments for me to view (sometimes just freezing up entirely) but I wasn’t having problems with posting comments myself. All other apps and websites were running fine.

    Is it working…[Read more]

  • @justsewit I’m not sure what I will turn the fabric into yet. Once I have washed and tumble dried the fabric I will have a better idea of how much I will have to work with. I could definitely get a roller skate tunic out of it. Or I’m pondering on maybe a short sleeve music class blouse? And then I will make a grey denim sailboat skirt to layer…[Read more]

  • nzsewist replied to the topic What are you sewing now? in the forum off topic 9 years ago

    @dubhels2003 I think the roller skate is a great pattern to show off a print fabric since there are so few seams. Or the playtime dress is great for that as well. I have found both patterns to be hard wearing options for my busy and active three year old. As much as she loves dressing up in a pretty dress, any dress also needs to be able to stand…[Read more]

  • nzsewist replied to the topic What are you sewing now? in the forum off topic 9 years ago

    @dubhels2003 I think the roller skate is a great pattern to show off a print fabric since there are so few seams. Or the playtime dress is great for that as well. I have found both patterns to be hard wearing options for my busy and active three year old. As much as she loves dressing up in a pretty dress, any dress also needs to be able to stand…[Read more]

  • @dubhels2003 Yes, I was quite happy to accidentally be one step ahead!

    I had decided that I would try and stick to using fabrics already in my stash, but… I discovered a beautiful monochrome print at The Fabric Store today…

    I didn’t let myself take it to the counter straight away and instead went in search of what I actually went to the…[Read more]

  • nzsewist's profile was updated 9 years ago

  • Oooh this could be quite fun! Normally my girls wouldn’t wear outfits that were entirely black and white monochrome. I love bold, warm colours too much. But I do have some trousers in a fun monochrome print that are too loose on me now and could be re-purposed for something for one of them. It will be sad to part with them but since they only fit…[Read more]

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