Learn how to turn a bloomers pattern in overalls with this step-by-step photo tutorial. The end results are adorable bloomeralls!
join bias binding in the round
Learn how to join bias binding in the round with this step-by-step photo tutorial.
spring dress inspiration
Here are over a dozen dress ideas to inspire you to sew some Oliver + S spring frocks. We hope this gives you the little kick you need to get creative!
inspiration: lace
Here is some inspiration to get you sewing Oliver + S patterns in lace.
school uniform round-up
School’s back in session and so is the school dress code. You can sew school uniforms that meet the grade using Oliver + S patterns. Here is a gathering of inspiration for every season of the school year.
feature friday: care bear dresses for three
This week’s Feature Friday highlights three fun Care Bear-inspired dresses made by Harmony of Sew in Harmony.
dress patterns for spring and summer sewing
Now that the weather is warmer, it’s a perfect time to start thinking about sewing with a few of our dress patterns.
new oliver + s singles: just the basics
If you’re looking for sewing patterns for kids’ basics, you’ll be sure to like our new collection of Oliver + S Singles patterns.
heading to the seashore on digital release thursday
In this week’s installment of our Digital Release Thursday blog feature, we are introducing the Seashore Sundress as a digital pattern.
details: piping
I’ve been thinking a lot about piping this week. Not for any particular reason except that it somehow entered my mind that I’d like to add piping to the seam of the School Photo Dress. And when I did a …
new spring-summer children’s sewing patterns now available!
For those of you who have been anxiously awaiting release date, I’m happy to tell you that the new patterns for girls are now available for purchase on our website. Orders are now being taken and shipped for the Family …
introducing the new seashore sundress sewing pattern for girls
This is a child’s dress that’s been in my head and in the pages of my sketchbooks for a while now, bouncing around while I played with a few different options for it. It’s a children’s sundress, loosely based on …
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