Oliver + S

Cooking and Baking

What's for Tea Today, Mum? A cooking thread.

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    katybellabug @katybellabug

    I love this thread! If there is anything I love discussing more than sewing, it’s food!

    Nicole, we have honey EVERY day in our house. I would love to get my hands on local honey in larger quantities like that. We eat it on porridge and on weetabix and Boo likes it in a mug of chamomile tea before bed.

    We have been on a long family walk with a picnic today so have thoroughly worked off enough calories for tonight’s pizza! Saturday night tends to be pizza night most weeks. It’s our treat. Pepperoni natually!

    I am saving that crock pot recipe. Thank you! We use our (slow cooker) a few times a week as it saves me stressing about feeding everybody at different times. The girls eat by 5:30pm but Jay can be home anywhere between 5 and 7pm so mealtimes are staggered.

    cybele727 @cybele727

    OOH corn chowder… I will write down the recipe!

    vothgirl @vothgirl

    Haha Katy, I love talking about food too! Homemade spaghetti sauce with ground beef in it tonight.

    Anyone else a big Pioneer Woman fan? I’ve got two of her cookbooks and so many recipe printouts from her website that I had to create a tabbed binder just for her recipes! Ben loves her food bc it’s full of butter and cream and bacon. Which in moderation is a lot better for you than highly processed stuff I guess ;-).

    Anyway here’s one of my absolute favorite PW recipes, I made it last week πŸ˜‰


    vothgirl @vothgirl

    I have a big pot of this simmering on the stovetop:


    And as you can see here ( https://www.flickr.com/photos/110619443@N04/15054384036/ ), my mindset when cooking with wine is “some for the sauce, some for me. Some for the sauce, and a little more for me.” πŸ˜‰ )

    (Have I mentioned I love The Pioneer Woman? πŸ˜‰ )

    (And I LOVE my cast iron pots & pans!!)

    with love Heidi @with love Heidi

    I just made a lovely ham, broccoli and cauliflower casserole/pasta bake in the slow cooker!


    750g Ham (1.5lb)

    1kg (2lb) broccoli and cauliflower florets (I use frozen)

    1 tin cream of celery soup

    large handful of grated cheese


    1. Cut ham in 1cm (1/2″) cubes and put in the bottom of the slow cooker

    2. mix (thawed) broccoli and cauliflower florets with the soup and cheese

    3. spoon mixture over ham

    4. put on the lid and cook for 3 -5hrs on high or 6-8 on low.

    5. For casserole stir and serve as is.

    6 For pasta bake add 5 handfuls of short pasta ( I used spirals) and cook for 30 mins until pasta is cooked.

    7. optional : put pasta into heat proof dish, sprinkle with more cheese and brown under the griller.

    thejennigirl @thejennigirl

    Not for dinner (at the moment), but cooking away on my stove right now is tomato jam. We like to add bacon to our grilled cheese and smear on the jam or dip in the jam after toasting the sandwiches.

    It takes most of a day to make, but totally worth it!

    vothgirl @vothgirl

    Oh my goodness, tomato jam and bacon grilled cheese sound amazing! Any chance you could share your recipe for the jam? Tomato season is at its peak right now in California so I have access to lots of amazing farmers market tomatoes!

    thejennigirl @thejennigirl

    It’s the one in the Ball Blue Book (canning book) if that helps at all. I forgot to type it up before I put the cook book away tonight.

    vothgirl @vothgirl

    I have that book! I’ll have to go take a look now πŸ™‚

    Nicole @motherof5

    Christmas day over and I won’t have to cook for another two days at least!
    I made some super yummy salads this year, all from Pinterest.

    This one was a huge hit http://www.pinterest.com/pin/73676143879798228/ the mixture of sweet strawberries with sharp spinach was amazing.
    This was tasty too http://www.pinterest.com/pin/73676143879794549/ a new twist on coleslaw but I made my own mayonnaise.
    This was my favourite http://www.pinterest.com/pin/73676143879821707/ but I reduced the amount of dressing.

    This one is an oldie but a goodie http://www.pinterest.com/pin/73676143879841073/

    We served them with ham, roast chicken, lamb and pork.

    We followed it up with fresh fruit and cheese.

    What did you have?

    Tamara @justsewit

    The tomato jam sounds amazing! I am not a huge fan of raw tomato but will eat it cooked.

    No links to be had because I kept things very very simple this year.
    Smoked ham with a potato salad (spuds, boiled eggs (homegrown of course) and mayo which was a bit sloppy) and a very simple stock standard salad I usually make to appease the cheese lover in the family – baby spinach, grated carrots and cheese and for some of us a bit of zoosh dressing on top.

    That was followed by plum pudding and icecream. We had appletiser to drink (because no plonk is drunk by this woman for the moment).

    Tonight we had leftovers as we did for lunch (except I had prawns instead of ham). I really missed the rolled turkey we usually have this year but it was just the four of us so I didn’t go wild.

    I have lots of recipe books – somewhere! The one I use most is for the slow cooker – which I will most likely be using much more often – such a time saver.

    cybele727 @cybele727

    I make this immensely popular dish 3 times a year– Thanksgiving, Christmas, and Easter. It is very very rich and frankly would kill you if you ate it more often.

    The recipe comes from our big local chain, which has a weird cult like following.


    vothgirl @vothgirl

    I made poteca (pronounced po-TEE-tsah) for our Christmas breakfast – it’s what my dad’s family had for Christmas breakfast every year as he grew up and it was passed on. My husband was more than happy to continue such a delicious tradition. Basically, it’s a filled & rolled sweet pastry. The recipe is very similar to this one: http://ulteriorepicure.com/2010/03/16/recipe-poteca/
    Except after baking, I add a simple powdered sugar glaze. We enjoy it served with mimosas while opening presents :-).

    So those are the main leftovers we will be working on the next couple days…that and the 10 different kinds of Christmas cookies I made this year! πŸ˜› I think my New Years resolution needs to be to start exercising again πŸ˜‰

    • This reply was modified 9 years ago by vothgirl.
    • This reply was modified 9 years ago by vothgirl.
    vothgirl @vothgirl

    @cybele727 oh man, you had me at Gruyere! That sounds amazing.

    Tamara @justsewit

    Oh! that looks incredible! I totally cheated and bought the stollen and the christmas cake, not to mention a tonne of fruit mince pies! We were given shortbread on Christmas Eve – but you have to keep food under lock and key around here to even get a look in.

    Christmas morning breakfast was just the usual – porridge’ but we all had to eat before the gifts were opened – and that did not include the pack of freddos from the stocking neither.

    Next year I hope to have the chance to go out on a limb a bit.

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