Oliver + S

zipper for the 2+2's skirt?

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    aegean17 @aegean17

    hi, I just made the 2+2 skirt for my first time and I loved everything except I need an alternative to the button loop and snaps. my daughter isn’t digging them 🙂

    for next time I was thinking of either deleting the side opening, putting buttons in the placket or maybe putting in a zipper??

    any tips on how to do a zipper? I have never sewn one into clothing. I’m not sure how to put one in a waistband or make the inside look and feel nice.

    many thanks!

    Nicole @motherof5

    If you google I am sure you will get a better tutorial but this may help get you started http://fiveandcounting-motherof5.blogspot.com/2011/03/portfolio-pants-how-to-do-zipper.html

    Good Luck.

    aegean17 @aegean17

    thank you Nicole! you make it look so easy. love your blog… if you’re open to suggestions I think a way to search for tutorials on your site would be great. I’d be there all the time 🙂

    off to look through your flickr 🙂

    btw – what size button is supposed to be used with the skirt? is there really a 5/6″ button size?

    Nicole @motherof5

    Great idea,do you know how I could do that? I am a techno dummy!

    Goodness,I just choose the button I like and adjust the loop or button hole to fit! That may not be correct but it works for me!

    Thank you and I am so pleased to be able to help.

    aegean17 @aegean17

    I have no idea and don’t have a blog – sorry 🙂 otherwise I would love to help

    that was my approach with the button but it still took me forever to get a decent fit! I settled on a big button and now my daughter wants to wear the skirt with the button centered in the front. grrr

    off to ponder how I could adjust the pattern for next time 🙂

    Violaisabelle @Violaisabelle

    I’m not terrific with technology either, but I do know with “blogger”, you go to the top of the page and look at the upper left hand corner. See the ‘search’ feature? It’s that blank space with the magnifying glass symbol. Type a word in there and all the posts with that word in it will come up. 🙂

    As to how to put in a zipper, well….there are many tutorials out there on the various types of zippers. The one I use a lot and like best is the ‘invisible’ zipper. You could also look up ‘centered’ zipper and ‘lapped’ zipper. There are all kinds of wonderful tutorials out there.

    Putting in a zipper is not difficult, really. If you are near a store that offers zippers at cheap prices, you could pick up a few for practice and just install them in fabric. If you do not have a fabric store that carries them in bulk, you could look at second hand stores. It doesn’t matter what colour they are since this will be for practice. Here is a tutorial from Threads which produce the Threads Magazine. http://www.threadsmagazine.com/item/3728/sewing-in-a-zipper

    Happy Sewing,


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