Oliver + S

Your most-viewed project on Flickr?

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    Lightning McStitch @LightningMcStitch

    That confirms it @katybellabug David Kracht is a serial follower! I wasn’t going to name names, but funny we’ve both been multifollowed by the same guy. Guess he really does like kid’s sewing! 🙂

    that’s an incredible number of views! (I thought you might be the “winner” with that dress!) It’s a truly beautiful dress, but isn’t it funny, I bet you wouldn’t photograph it exactly like that again. I think we end up having a critical and appreciative eye both for the garment and the photography.

    lattemama @lattemama

    Aargh! @katybellabug and @lightningmcstitch David Kracht is so annoying! I ended up blocking him after my third encounter with Explore.

    My most viewed is Sofia’s Hide-and-Seek dress with embroidered butterflies

    I thought with almost 8000 views it would be a top contender but that Portfolio tunic wins everything Nicole! Both in looks and views.

    My second most viewed is the Garden Party tunic I made from the same fabric with butterfly ribbon.

    Both of these ended up on Explore which is why they have so many views I think. I haven’t kept tabs to see how much trickles in now almost half a year later.
    But that fence seems to be an Explorer magnet. All pictures that ended up there were photographed against that fence. (Except one image of an unfinished pair of Field Trip trousers hanging from a shelf in my untidy sewing room – I can’t explain that one either.)

    dubhels2003 @dubhels2003

    Thank you @vothgirl, I’ve found it. My most viewed is a class picnic blouse. The picture isn’t great, and was a snap my husband took on his phone. The blouse is lovely, and is probably the most work o+s item I have made (so far…) but I don’t really know why it tops the view (in the small 100s not 1000s!!).

    The item with the most favourites is a Christening bubble dress. I was proud of that because of making it. I wanted a simple modern dress that could be worn again and again, and will at some point be worn by no.2 child.

    I don’t think, in either case, that they are my best photos or my best sewing, but I am proud of them.

    @lighteningmcstitch, I think you’re right, as you look back through your photos you see how you would present and compose pictures differently. One day my toddler will help me with that task! I also look back and see and think how my sewing has improved!

    Brittney @georgeandizzy

    Nicole is by far the winner;) It is a beautiful dress and shot. I have seen it on Pinterest many times, too.

    scgoble @scgoble

    This is great. My top four images are of Washi dresses, which are just all around hideous. I guess they’re not inherently that ugly but they looked like potato sacks on me and were donated to Goodwill long ago. My most “favorited” image is a pair of Puppet Show shorts in linen with a big bow on the waistband. I loved those little shorts so much, but I bet they were worn once.

    beachmom @beachmom

    My Lisette Diplomat Tunic was the most viewed/favorited flickr photo for me. I’m pretty sure that was due to Explore. It’s such a dorky photo of me!lol My top 9 “interesting” photos on flickr are all Oliver + S (and 1 Lisette). The ruffle Class Picnic shorts and School Days raincoats are some of my personal favorites and they were #1 and #3 respectively.

    • This reply was modified 10 years ago by beachmom.
    Robin @Robin

    Joining flicker was a New Year’s resolution for me in 2011. And I kept checking to see if anyone had looked at my stuff. It took awhile. Joining groups helped, and a few pieces have been profiled on blogs. I’m not a photographer. My most viewed item is the playtime tunic and leggings, photo taken at night and indoors. And it really makes me laugh that my Late Lunch tunic is viewed so often. It’s not a design that works well on my body. Probably helps to be curvy and have made up one of the first ones.

    Sarvi @Sarvi

    Funny you mention that, Robin, I think that’s why there was a lot of interest in my Cinema dress. It was one of the first ones and I listed my measurements in a fair amount of detail. I think folks intended to be complimentary when they called me brave, but why wouldn’t I? I guess I don’t think people necessarily refrain from posting that info out of fear or shame. Maybe folks just like to keep some things private! But it did seem like it was useful info for people to have.

    I KNEW Nicole would have some amazing number of views! It’s so fascinating to me. And that’s really weird about the serial follower. Do you guys think it’s really a person named David, or just some anonymous weirdo?

    your comment is hilarious. I’ve seen the Washi look lovely on some folks but I suspect I’d fall into potato sack territory too 🙂

    And it seems like what you say is true for a lot of us — our kids have a very different idea of what they want. Some things we work really hard on are rarely used.

    Nicole @motherof5

    I think once it hit Pinterest it went a bit crazy. The explore thing is a bit strange. The odd photo I have had ‘marked’ was not even particularly good.

    I love it when people put up sizing and measurements, so helpful!

    Masha Richart

    The photo of my most recent baby Music Box and bonnet has over 23,000 views. It was added to the Explore group (which, I totally don’t understand how that works) and now I get all these comments about what a great photo it is (it’s not). Random.

    On a somewhat related note, people have tried to add my photos into what I can only describe as fetish groups on maybe a half dozen occasions. I made a few plaid Traveler shirts for myself and some weirdo kept trying to add them to some group with lots of suggestive photos of women in checked shirts.

    juliamom2009 @juliamom2009

    @roundtheworldgirl – you made me laugh out loud thinking of the weirdo folks who get their jollies from women in checked shirts! I guess there’s something for everyone in this world!

    Sarvi @Sarvi

    @motherof5 Nicole, Pinterest showed me your Portfolio the other day as ‘related content’ when I was searching for something, I forget what. Linen, maybe? It was kind of exciting to spot you ‘in the wild’ so to speak.

    Nicole @motherof5

    Really @Sarvi, that is so exciting, thank you!

    I *finally* posted it off to its new owner.

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