Winter Accessories
14 years ago LINK
sayiamyou @maraya
Hello ladies! I have some yummy little scraps (erm, cabbages) of City Weekend knit that I’d love to use up somehow. I think I’ll make a scarf for my Niblet for starters. My latest idea has been a single layered one with a lettuce hem edge, since it’s a little on the thicker side. What do you think? Would it be better to double it?
I’d love to make her some coordinating gloves as well, but can’t find a pattern anywhere for tiny hands. Maybe it should be intuitive? Any suggestions?
Any other fun cool weather accessories that you like to make?
14 years ago LINKlattemama @lattemama
If your little one isn’t too old I’d suggest putting her hand on a piece of paper and trace around it (with a wide margin) then cut out fabric and sew up like a little pouch – some ribbing around the wrist and you’re good to go.
If she’s older I’d add a thumb to the pouch. I made mittens like that from wool and fleece for my little one when she was a baby.
Not sure where you live, but a double sided scarf in CW knits would look lovely I think. Maybe you can make the lettuce hem anyway? Wrong sides together and make the lettuce hem in one go – or hem them individually then sew them wrong sides together with a wide seam allowance – makes the hem almost like a ruffle?
Maybe a cap/hat from the knit? with a little tassel on top? ( – I hope that link works
14 years ago LINKjanimal @janimal
How about some headbands? You could make them thick enough to cover the ears to protect against the cold:
Hmmm…..the City Weekend knit would be a nice lining for mittens, but doesn’t seem quite thick enough to me for a pair single thickness. Unless you double it? Here is a tutorial/pattern for mittens:
I love the idea of using it for a scarf with a lettuce edge. I would definitely double it for some warmth.
Gosh, I wonder if I have enough for a scarf?! I like that idea a lot!
14 years ago LINKSarvi @Sarvi
One of my Japanese sewing books has a cute soft hat with two long earflaps that extend down to wrap around the neck like a scarf. I wish I had one in my size.
14 years ago LINKAnonymous @
I have a suggestion for the mittens – how about lining them with polar fleece? You could either make two – one from knit and the other from fleece and sew them together at the wrist, or maybe just baste them together and treat them as one fabric. That way you’d have the cuteness of City Weekend on the outside and the warmth and coziness of the fleece inside.
14 years ago LINKsayiamyou @maraya
Yes, Sandi, I was thinking of a double layer of CW for the mittens. I think I might prefer gloves for her though (better for picking up her outside treasures), but maybe it’s too aggravating to do with tiny 2-yr-old hands?
Thanks for all the suggestions! The headband sounds like a cute idea too. Thankfully, she doesn’t mind wearing her toboggan though.
Finishing up her last pair of Sandbox pants (at least for now, hopefully for the season) then planning to move on to a couple accessories while I wait for her School Days coat fabric to arrive. Hooray for mail!
14 years ago LINKJustine J @justmejay
How about a muff??? Anyone have a pattern for one? Don’t think it’d be a good option for little kids but think it would be great for big girls – Rosie’s hands were freezing during the soccer season this year & I kept thinking about making her a muff, but failed to do this!!
14 years ago LINKsayiamyou @maraya
I always thought this was adorable, Justine. And I totally forgot about until you brought this up! I might have to try the cape part now the Niblet is bigger!
14 years ago LINKlosabia @losabia
I’ve been obsessively poring over the sneak peek photos from the O + S book (I’m the only one doing that, right? LOL), and it sure looks like there’ll be a mitten pattern (see the corner of this photo).
So far I think I’ve seen at least a portion of 10 of the 20 projects. I can’t wait until March!
14 years ago LINKJustine J @justmejay
oooh – thanks Mel! That is cute! I shall file it away for Winter 🙂
14 years ago LINKsayiamyou @maraya
Justine! Isn’t it the middle of the night there?! 🙂
14 years ago LINKNicole @motherof5
No Mel about 9 am , Good Morning !
14 years ago LINKJustine J @justmejay
It’s now 9.40 – home again after school run!
Shouldn’t you be in bed Mel???
14 years ago LINKAnonymous @
He he he – I can NEVER keep track of what time it is down under. Shouldn’t be so difficult but I do get confused about it.
A muff is such a great idea! I had a white fake fur one as a child and I just loved it. Much easier than putting on and taking off mittens for a little one, too. I’m certain Clara would love one. Now I have ANOTHER thing on my list I want to sew!
I didn’t notice the mittens in that picture before – I’ll be happy to have a pattern for some!
14 years ago LINKsayiamyou @maraya
Justine you have made me curious (not difficult to do). Now, it’s nearly 9AM here (I am in SC) and per the world clock – the internet really has all the answers – it’s Sat. 1AM in Sydney! Hehe, funny to think that you are already in my ‘tomorrow’. 🙂
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