Oliver + S

Which way to place the stripes

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    Lex3131 @Lex3131

    While sitting here agonizing over the next dress, I knew where to go… Today I bought some lovely Kate Fassett striped material today and I reckon it will look lovely as a roller skate dress, but I can’t decide which way to place the stripes horizontally or vertically? If I make it with vertical stripes it will mean cutting against the grain of the fabric. I’m wondering if that would be ok because it is a lined dress… Anyways what do you reckon? I’m making a size 2T for a friend’s niece.

    Thanks in advance

    Mama_Knowles @Mama_Knowles

    I like the strips going vertically. I am not sure why I just do. ; ) I am wanting to use some stripped fabric for little miss too.

    Nicole @motherof5

    Is this pin any help?


    I often use fabric against the grain I think as long as it isn’t silk its okay.

    meleliza @meleliza

    horizontal stripes would be more of the moment.

    Masha Richart

    I love horizontal stripes!

    Jennifer1568 @Jennifer1568

    I think horizontal stripes give something a nautical look. Vertical stripes are more regular and formal. I like using the stripes as a design element like in Nicole’s pin. Stripes can also be alternated on pockets. I made the Roller Skate dress with a 2 tone ticking stripe vertically placed and then appliqued the hem like Liesl’s sample. I think if the fabric has the stripes going from selvedge to selvedge then it is meant to be horizontal.

    Maggie @Maggie

    I don’t think it matters to much with quilting cotton which way you use it. I think vertical would be unexpected and fun.

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