Oliver + S

Which Side is the Right Side of a Solid Fabric?

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    Kim @kmac0107

    I washed and dried a solid for the bodice and now I cannot tell which side is the right side. The crease is washed out from where the fabric was folded on the bolt. The salvages look the same on both sides to me. The color looks the same on both sides too.

    Liesl Gibson

    Sometimes there isn’t really a difference between the two sides, so you can choose either one to be the right side. It’s often a good idea to mark your chosen right or wrong side on all the cut pieces, however, so you’re consistent when you start sewing–just in case there is a slight difference, you don’t want to discover it once the garment is finished…

    Nicole @motherof5

    Some fabrics do not have a right and wrong side.

    Chose a side and mark it with chalk, that can help prevent ending up stitching wrong and right sides together.

    ( Which I have done too many times !!!!)

    Nicole @motherof5

    Whoops , I am not batty ! We just answered at the same time !

    Anonymous @

    he he – well, maybe a little batty, ha he he ha

    Nicole @motherof5

    Cheeky !, but quite possibly true !

Viewing 6 posts - 1 through 6 (of 6 total)

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