Which patterns haven't you made – and why not?
13 years ago LINKclaireabel @claireabel
A comment on Flickr has me wondering – which O+S patterns haven’t you made, and why not?
I haven’t yet made several of them:
* All of the new ones (still saving!)
* Sailboat (this is the only one I don’t own, it is on my list as I love it, esp the pants and skirt)
* Playdate – not sure if it would suit my daughter, but am being convinced by all the lovely Flickr versions
* 2+2 – on my list for summer sewing
* Bubble dress – as above (love this pattern, looking forward to sewing it)
* School days coat – was going to make it this Winter but was quoted $56 shipping for the wool I wanted, so it’s on the backburner until next winter.
* Swingset – only just bought this pattern, have plans to make it for Summer
* Bedtime story – the kids didn’t need new PJs this year: imagine I will sew this next Winter
* Lazy Days and Popover – I always forget about these pattern as they’re not in my pattern cupboard. Will make some this Summer.
Wow – Until I wrote it down I had no idea I hadn’t made so many. I need to get sewing!
I tend to own patterns for a long time before I sew them. Flickr is good for inspiring me to get off my butt!
Which patterns have you not yet made, and why?
13 years ago LINKNicole @motherof5Goodness , good question !
I tend to have to make several in one style so that no one is left out , and your mind set is that pattern!
I have not made :
* Any new ones ,except the School Photo dress
* Music Class skirt , on my list
* Swing Set , wrong season when it was purchased , on my to do list
* Lazy Days and Popover , just do not think of them , but the twins are keen to sew them !
* Tea Party dress and overalls , on my to do list
* Birthday Party dress, a little scared of that one
I think that is it ….. I need to get sewing too Claire !
13 years ago LINKbeachmom @beachmomI tend to not buy new patterns straight away as I like to see what shows up on flickr. Seeing them on actual children helps me decide whether or not they would be something that appeals to my kiddos or not. I haven’t sewn all the pieces of the patterns I do have. For example, I haven’t touched the sailboat skirt, swingset skirt, or 2+2 skirt. I like them but my girls don’t wear skirts that much. I also haven’t made the Sunday Brunch jacket yet. That was my first O+S purchase (because of the jacket) and I’ve had it for 2 years. *hanging my head in shame*lol
*None of the fall 2010 patterns (waiting to decide which ones will work for us)
*Ice cream dress (though I’m considering purchasing that one, especially because it goes up to a size 12 and from all the beautiful ones I’ve seen on flickr)
*Tea party sundress (sizing and the fact that we have plenty of dress patterns)
*Birthday party dress (see above!)
*Music class top/skirt (another one I’m considering)
*Sketchbook shirt/shorts (ds didn’t like the look of this pattern)
*Tea party playsuit (just doesn’t appeal to me, plus the sizing)
*Bed time story pjs (they’re cute, but for pjs we prefer knit pjs or nightgowns for the girls)
*School days jacket/coat (I like all the variations I’ve seen but I have a dozen coat patterns I’d like to try that I already own)
I’ve done all the free ones. The lazy days skirt was my intro to Liesl’s genius.
Nicole, The twins will love sewing the Lazy Days and the popover. My oldest made a Lazy Days skirt last summer: http://www.flickr.com/photos/27858004@N05/3710486415/in/pool-oliverands It’s a great beginner’s project.
13 years ago LINKsewinginthecity @sewinginthecityI’ve made about half of the O + S patterns I own, mostly because I am waiting for the perfect fabric. I’ve often bought fabric with a certain pattern in mind, then after I get it home, I decide to make something else. I haven’t made the birthday party dress yet for this reason, even though I adore it. Then sometimes, the right fabric doesn’t come along, and then the season isn’t right anymore, so the pattern just sits there. A crying shame!
13 years ago LINKjanimal @janimalI bought the bedtime story pajamas pattern but haven’t done it. Mainly, if I sew something for my little girl, I want her to wear it, not just go to bed in it! I just am not as inspired to make pajamas, although I think the pattern is awesome.
I cut an ice cream dress, then saw all the ones in FlickR and decided I’m not as in love with my fabric choices anymore. So the pieces are just sitting there. I need to put it together before the size is too small, but I lost my motivation. I’m gonna make a music box dress first from some japanese fabric I am in LOVE with.
13 years ago LINKckcsbella @ckcsbellaWhat an interesting question! I haven’t done any of the new ones, as I have only ordered Hopscotch, as I’ve decided I’m not that keen on Music box or Nature Walk. Jury’s still out on School photo, but I’ll probably end up making one! I haven’t done Sailboat or 2+2, although I have the patterns and fabric to make them, I just haven’t gotten to it yet. I have Swingset and Puppet Show, and am planning them for next spring. I haven’t done Tea Party as I don’t own the pattern, although I do like it. I haven’t done the Music Class skirt, although I have done 3 blouses, and I love it. I only have it in the bigger size, and DD#1 doesn’t like skirts, and DD#2 isn’t big enough. Of the rest, Playdate I’ve never cared for, and Sandbox and Sketchbook strike me as being for boys and I don’t have any! I think that’s all I haven’t done, which means there are a whole lot I have done! Yay me!
13 years ago LINKckcsbella @ckcsbellaP.S. The birthday party dress isn’t that hard to sew, and I quite enjoyed it. It’s a bugger to iron, though. And I did sew the pleats!
13 years ago LINKmela @melaI have patterns, I have fabric, I just need more time. I have procrastinated starting the playdate and puppetshow dresses, even though I really want to make them before my DD gets too big. But they seem to require more attention than I have right now. But I have some great fabric waiting, so I’ll just have to suck it up and get into it. then I’ll be fine. I also have but haven’t yet made the coat, the jumprope dress and the Sunday Brunch. I just got the music class, school photo and hopscotch. But since I just got them, they don’t count as procrastinated yet. Again, they are all on my to-do list they are matched with some great fabric I already have, I just need to focus. I wish I could finish one a day!
13 years ago LINKToyota888 @Toyota888Aside from the newest patterns… I haven’t done the Playdate dress, which I only recently bought after deciding I needed it before it went out of print and I don’t own the swingset, sailboat, bubble, tea party of the early patterns because I didn’t like them as much. I don’t own any of last season – I wasn’t that keen on the icecream but could still possibly buy the music class and sketchbook as I definitely like them. Of the newest I have only bought the school photo as it is pretty much the most divine thing I have ever seen!!! I haven’t bought the others as I don’t really have enough sewing time to justify buying anything other than absolute favourites.
13 years ago LINKsadies closet @sadies closetI haven’t purchased any of the newest patterns yet but will probably be getting the Music box and Hopscotch. I LOVE the Music Class pattern and it will be a must for basic pieces. (I already have fabric for the skirt. LOL) I will also look into the Sketchbook pattern as I have three boys and that is such a great basic buttondown, and I am planning on making lots of shorts for next summer. (No more trying to find shorts that fit as all my boys are rather slim and they hate button tape in their pants.) I have never purchased the Bubble dress, Tea Party, PJ’s or Sandbox. Just never got excited about those ones. I wish that I had gotten the Playdate. I loved the School Days coat, but people keep giving us lovely winter coats and it is difficult to justify the expense. I am waiting for spring to buy new patterns, as my daughter won’t fit a size 5 until then, but Liesl will probably come out with something new and wonderful by then and my list will grow unreasonably long! I think I know what will be on my Christmas List this year…
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