Oliver + S

where to lengthen?

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    Tamara @justsewit

    I’ve just gotten my nearly 10 year old daughter to try on the size 12 MC shirt I made last year (the pink Gypsy Bandana one). I’m proud to say that fit wise it is ok however in length it sits just at the top of her hip and you can see the elastic casing of the Afterschool pants she’s wearing.

    I have considered lengthening this pattern but the question is would it look ridiculous if I just lengthen at the main shirt part instead of the yokes, or should I lengthen both areas? Just concerned it will look obvious that the pattern has been lengthened and it will look rather wrong on her.

    She is currently wearing a hopscotch shirt underneath so this could be inhibiting the look of how it is fitting (which to me is still fine) but wouldn’t in the length (as this pattern needs length added also).

    Any suggestions?

    Nicole @motherof5

    Perhaps post a picture?

    sayiamyou @maraya

    I added 1″ (if I remember correctly) to my daughter’s MC shirt last year and it looked fine. However, Nicole is maybe right, a picture would be helpful for suggestions, especially if you’ll need to add a few inches total.

    Sarvi @Sarvi

    justsewit, did you ever do this? My daughter still fits into her 2T at age 2 and a half, but the length, rather than width, is where she’ll grow out of it first. Am drafting the 3T for September and am wondering if I can add a bit of length at the hem to get extra wear out of it.

    Tamara @justsewit

    Darling husband killed the page of my first attempt at this post so am having another go.

    I haven’t gotten to the shirt yet as it is still on the list ( and the list keeps getting bumped) and I have been battling the flu so really haven’t had alot of energy (it just sounds like I do). I want to make one with a bit of smocking so that takes care of the width side of things and I don’t have to go to huge sizing up lengths which isn’t really required just yet. This is the link http://www.flickr.com/photos/justsewit_tk/5944553369/in/set-72157627087119893 (hyperlinking is not my strength AT ALL!). It shows the shirt being worn last year and even then I think it was getting a bit on the short side. Miss 9’s growth is on the move again (my fridge will certainly vouch for that!) and this is why I think lengthening really needs to take place. The funny thing is I thought I already lengthened by an inch last year yet can’t remember – so much has happened since then.

    When I can squeeze two seconds together and have both blouse and daughter handy I will endeavour to take another photo to show what it looks like now and whether or not it really needs lengthening and by how much.

    Liesl Gibson

    If I recall correctly, most of the grading in this pattern happened in the shirt, not the yoke. So I think you’d probably be fine just lengthening the shirt itself. I do it that way, myself. Can’t wait to see, and I hope you feel better soon!

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