what works well for boys?
14 years ago LINK
runciblespoon @runciblespoon
I’ve just been given a bundle of lovely baby clothes by a very kind friend – so now my baby sewing is officially over for this winter! I’ve been meaning to make some things for my boys (and they are surprisingly keen that i should) but somehow boys’ clothes seem a bit more daunting than girls’… Can anyone advise me on what has worked for your boys? Mine are 8 (coming up to 9) and 5. I’d like to do them some pyjamas but not sure if the bedtime stories are truly unisex… what do you think? And I’m wondering how long one can get away with mock flies on their trousers, rather than having to do the real thing? I’m thinking sandbox at the moment, but ready to be swayed.
14 years ago LINKJohannaO @JohannaO
Sandbox is a great choice, I’ve done several of them for my eldest son who is five also. I even made a knit version to imitate his favorite pair from the Gap which doesn’t come in his size anymore. Bedtime story works great, and both of my sons love the fit of the pants. The oldest is growing less fond of the top, but I’ve been sewing him some raglan sleeved tees to go with them. I’ve seen some great School Days coats for boys, and they look very handsome in them. I just got some great knits in, so I’m eager to make some nature walk pants and tops for my boys too. Lots of people have raved about how easy it is to make the Sketchbook shorts, but it’s winter here, so they’re on my to-do list for the spring. And as for the mock fly, I think it depends on their tastes, and how “fashion pressured” they feel. I’m amazed by the things my five year old asks for in his clothing!
14 years ago LINKAnonymous @
He he he – when I first read the title of this post, I thought “a good paddle”. Can you tell my boy is 3? LOL. I love the nature walk pullover for boys. I just finished my second one a couple days ago. I think this would look very nice on an older boy as well.
14 years ago LINKNicole @motherof5
I’m with you Sandi, not any more , but when he was 3…..
My ‘boy’ is 13 now and still wears mock flies, but I am very careful to study jeans stitching and imitate that. He is wearing a Sailboat top today that I enlarged and it looks good, he is short for his age but quite muscular as he works like a man on the farm.
The sketchbook shirt is great , if you need help, Flickr mail me, I have made several.
He wear pajamas( when he goes out/ stays at a friends) in the ‘karate style’ and they look quite smart.
I wish I had found the Sandbox pattern when it would have fit him. They look great!
14 years ago LINKetc3 @etc3
I am totally in love with the Sandbox pattern and have made my two boys (8 and 5) countless pairs of the pants as well as shortening the pattern to make shorts. They love them. It is such a versatile pattern and so quick to construct, I truly recommend it. The Sketchbook is also a fantastic pattern and is very satisfying to make although my boys do prefer the Sandbox shorts probably because they can fit more treasures in the pockets!
14 years ago LINKclaireabel @claireabel
I really like sketchbook too, appropriate for all ages!
What about a school days coat?
I find it challenging to sew for boys. There are many more options for girls. Whenever I see great fabric for my little guy I snap it up, regardless of cost, as quite often the fabric will really help ‘make’ a garment.
There’s a great group on Flickr called ‘celebrate the boy’ that has loads of inspiration. A few of the O+S sewers post their stuff there.
14 years ago LINKLoralee @Loralee
I suggest the Nature Walk Pullover. I do not have a boy but I must say that I loved what sahmcolorado did with the nature walk pullover by adding a vespa applique. Its over on flickr. (Sandi, hope you don’t mind me saying so!) With the ‘masculine’ fabric, its perfect.
14 years ago LINKrunciblespoon @runciblespoon
Thank you all for your thoughts and suggestions (how I love the oliver+s world!). I can feel some shopping coming on, and can see that one pattern won’t be enough. Maybe sketchbook first and then sandbox? Thanks for the offer of help, Nicole, I may take you up on that when I get there. And thank for the flickr advice and coat suggestion, Claire. I’m working up the courage to try the school days coat, perhaps it’ll be for next winter…
14 years ago LINKmeleliza @meleliza
I’m planning to make the nature walk pullover for my boys at some point. I think it looks like a great pattern for older boys. I have made the sandbox pants, and they’re fun and easy. I’ve also done the Coat, which was satisfying because of the challenge. However, I’ve got a new baby girl to sew for, so it could be a while before the boys get anything.
14 years ago LINKJustine J @justmejay
I’m in the Sandbox pants/shorts camp – they are perfect for boys (& girls!) – I’ve made my boys 2 pairs each of the short version – they love them and you can make them with some very funky fabric to give them a ‘boardshort’ look. I’ve made the sketchbook shirt too, but haven’t got around to the shorts yet!
I was initially put off a bit by the sandbox pattern since it only contains ‘bottoms’ but would recommend buying it before the sketchbook now!
14 years ago LINKrunciblespoon @runciblespoon
Thanks Justine and meleliza! And to sahmcolorado – i thought of your comment today as we walked to school in rain and the boys jumped in every puddle – the urge to paddle doesn’t seem to lessen with age (yet)…
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