Oliver + S

What was the first oliver+s pattern you made? And is it your favorite?

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    Nicole @motherof5

    After a chat with April about our first oliver+s pattern,I realized mine,The Jumprope dress,is still my favorite!

    Which one did you make first?

    Which one is your favorite?

    Ana Sofia @Ana Sofia ASM_Blue

    Hi Nicole, I ansewered thisone already on your photstream, but couldn’t resist posting it here also (and also because I managed to retrieve my password to the foruns)

    My first try with a commercial pattern was O+S Tea Party sundress (saw it first in SweetPea, April1930’s). April creations were my first “introduction” to the “proper sewing world”. I was so lucky to find her photostream. Truly an inspiration!!!

    http://www.flickr.com/photos/35195588@N05/3266762186 /

    Not quite sure if it’s my all-time favorite (as I’ve improved so much since then), but it will be treasured forever as it holds a very special place in my heart (but I’m still keeping all O+S outfits I ever made, but that’s a different story, right?).

    Nicole @motherof5

    What a good idea to do a link!


    My first oliver+s pattern AND my first flickr photo(and my first ever email,I sent it to oliver+s headquarters)!

    beachmom @beachmom

    I had to go back and look at photos and think really hard as to which is my favorite and I’m still not sure that I can pick only one!

    My first was the Sunday Brunch skirt for K back in 2008. http://www.flickr.com/photos/27858004@N05/4201117414/in/set-72157624957087533/ I was a little ambitious…trying a new pattern and using a totally different fabric than what was listed (wool jersey). I was happy with the results, though it was a little short on my long legged daughter.

    Right now, I’d probably say the 2+2 top is my favorite. I really like the one I did for BK this fall, buttons up the back and all. http://www.flickr.com/photos/27858004@N05/5050902315/in/set-72157624957087533/ It’s so different from what you see available for little girls at the shops…and that’s a good thing!

    thejennigirl @thejennigirl

    My first was the Sailboat pants (http://www.flickr.com/photos/49653247@N08/4975439216/ & http://www.flickr.com/photos/49653247@N08/4975438154/ ) & Jump rope dress (view A: http://www.flickr.com/photos/49653247@N08/4961772623/ )

    I have to admit that the Playdate dress (http://www.flickr.com/photos/49653247@N08/5068612521/ , http://www.flickr.com/photos/49653247@N08/5294941244/ ) is probably my fave pattern to have used, but fave item made?

    *thinks very hard*

    At the moment (sorry, I am fickle) I would have to say the Music Class blouse & skirt (which I finished up last night before bed & have yet to photograph)

    lattemama @lattemama

    My first ever O+S garment was a Music Class skirt and a Sunday Brunch Jacket in cord (http://www.flickr.com/photos/isabeldecibel/4612162233/)

    I think the favourite pattern would be the 2+2 Blouse, I love that construction (http://www.flickr.com/photos/isabeldecibel/4920707323/ ), but my favourite finished garment would have to be the Playdate Dress I made for Sofia (http://www.flickr.com/photos/isabeldecibel/5155951474/ ). She looks adorable in it and it’s perfect for play time.

    Looking through the links above I think I’m gonna have to make her a night gown from that pattern. That was adorable!

    I have a few patterns that I still haven’t tried so this is all subject to change 😉

    sadies closet @sadies closet

    That is a hard question. The first thing I ever made was the 2+2 set. My favorites since then have been

    The jumprope dress



    The birthday party dress


    The Sunday brunch


    The music class


    Who am I kidding…I like them all. 🙂

    lattemama @lattemama

    Sadie: That Pussy willow Jumprope was adorable! How did I miss that. Where did you get that fabric?

    sayiamyou @maraya

    Jenn, I *heart* those yellow pants and that rust-colored Playdate dress!

    My first patterns were the Tea Party dress ( http://www.flickr.com/photos/sayiamyou/4338551237/ ), Sailboat top and pants ( http://www.flickr.com/photos/sayiamyou/4340939428/ ), and the Sandbox pants. They were part of my first ever fabric.com order and really taught me how to sew from a pattern.

    I do love each of these, and have made all of them several times. However, I think my favorite is going to be the upcoming Class Picnic – taking place of the Hopscotch probably. I’m a complete sucker for the peasant style. It feels a bit wrong choosing one over the others though, because I have a (silly) special love for all of them. There are a couple in my collection that I haven’t gotten to yet (Puppet Show tunic and Playdate dress) so they are being left out unfairly.

    My real ‘favorite’ is just how beautiful all the garments from these patterns are AND how well they blend together!

    thejennigirl @thejennigirl

    Oh my Lordie! A Pachyderm Playdate Dress!


    Anonymous @

    The first O+S pattern I made was the Jumprope Dress. I do still love that pattern, but my current favorite is the Sailboat Pants.

    sadies closet @sadies closet

    Lattemama, Thanks! The pussywillow fabric was from Joann’s. The brown is just a kona cotton.

    E1izabeth @E1izabeth

    My First: Jump Rope Dress

    My Favorite: 2 + 2 Top

    April Henry @April1930s

    My first pattern was the Swingset Tunic & Skirt.


    One pattern of Oliver + S and I was over-the-top giddy about the instructions and design elements… it was like I had “come home” to pattern instructions.

    I really have a hard time picking a favorite perse’, because so many have helped me accomplish so many different things and learn new techniques that I can apply to other sewing (but, really, IS there any other garment sewing outside O+S? ha!).

    My favorite skirt pattern is the Music Class Skirt, hands down. I’ve made that one so many times.

    I honestly cannot pick a favorite overall pattern – my heart is so much into the details that I find myself picking out details I like about them all…. so maybe I’ll list those:

    1.) Bell-shaped curve/hemline of the Tea Party

    2.) Placket and teeny strap detail of the Swingset

    3.) Sandbox Pants – the back pocket construction thrills me!

    4.) Bedtime Story PJs – the pants ~ hands down the best ever PJ pants pattern.

    5.) Bubble Dress – reversibility (is that a word?)

    6.) Music Class – the cuff design on the shirt and the EZPZ-brilliant construction of the skirt.

    7.) Birthday Party – the facing construction

    8.) Jumprope Dress – the fact that I could make it into a blouse and just the old-fashioned style of a shirt-waisted dress.

    9.) Ice Cream Blouse/Dress – Only 2 or 3 pieces to cut out and put together!

    10.) Playdate Dress – pocket design

    11.) Nature Walk Pants – the elastic waistband design/construction

    12.) Sunday Brunch – Style of the jacket and Skirt (with POCKETS!)

    13.) School Days Coat – the fact that I can actually MAKE a COAT!

    14.) Hopscotch Knit Top & Skirt – the knit top neck binding has no neckline seam (like that!) And the Skirt – love the placket and pockets

    15.) To Be Cont. (New Dress)

    16.) To Be Cont. (New Sundress)

    17.) To Be Cont. (New Top & Shorts)

    Rebecca W @craftalittle

    My first pattern was the tea party sundress and YES totally my favorite!!

    Oliver and S Tea party dress

    It is fun seeing everyone’s first item.

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