What was the first oliver+s pattern you made? And is it your favorite?
14 years ago LINK
My first pattern was the pajamas : http://leblogdelafamillewald.over-blog.com/article-deux-fa-ons-de-coudre-43481779.html , which made me realize I really had to measure my kids before sewing and not relie on the size!
But my 2nd try was more successful : http://leblogdelafamillewald.over-blog.com/article-toutes-en-popover-47522119.html (How is that possible that my little girl grew up so much in less than one year?)
My favorite one until now is the Sailboat top!
14 years ago LINKemstone @emstone
I am working on the Puppet show shorts right now. I think they will turn into a favorite because they are so easy to sew up and so so so cute. I know that the puppet show tunic will be making an appearance soon and it will be on the top of the list too. I dont know if I could ever pick one that is not a favorite though.
14 years ago LINKJess M. @mommy2maria
My first was the Playdate Dress. The only other one I’ve made was the Ice Cream Dress, and I LOVE that one. I want to make a billion of them for M to wear! Though, I’m super excited, I just received my Sunday Brunch Jacket in the mail today and I can’t wait to make it!
14 years ago LINKclaireabel @claireabel
My very first O+S was also the very first garment I made. The birthday party dress: http://www.flickr.com/photos/39113615@N06/4456730386/. It’s still my fave as I was so, so proud of it. I didn’t believe I could sew before that and it gave me so much confidence. The jumprope dress is a very, very close second.
14 years ago LINKJustine J @justmejay
My first O+S pattern was the Ice Cream dress for the Ice Cream Social (http://www.flickr.com/photos/52151674@N08/4839643241/in/set-72157624563740368/)- & yes, I do love this pattern!!! When I was making the first one, I couldn’t for the life of me see what it was supposed to be doing until I began to attach the yoke (which I did backwards – and have continued to do so!). Made a ‘View B’ last week (yet to post pic)and the difference between it and my first one is huge! It’s prob my most used pattern (3 dresses and 3 tops so far) along with the Sandbox Pants. Don’t know if I’d say it’s my absolute favourite though – that it too hard to choose! I have really enjoyed making all of the O+S patterns I’ve used so far
14 years ago LINKmillie @millie
I don’t know if I qualify to answer this. I was just about to say that I only have 4 O+S patterns, but I checked and I now have 6…how did that happen!!
M first O+S pattern to sew was two Bubble Dresses for my twin girls.. http://www.flickr.com/photos/37335850@N03/4976172069/in/set-72157625998480300/ and http://www.flickr.com/photos/37335850@N03/4976780788/in/set-72157625998480300/ It is still my favourite pattern, but it is followed closely by the Jump Rope dress. http://www.flickr.com/photos/37335850@N03/5000177953/in/set-72157625998480300/
I think I like these so much because they suit the particular child at a particular time, so maybe my opinion will change as my children grow, or maybe not…or maybe it will change as I make more clothes from the rest of the patterns.
14 years ago LINKKim @kmac0107
My first Oliver & S pattern is the Bubble dress http://www.flickr.com/photos/27084526@N02/5436186903/in/pool-oliverands#/photos/27084526@N02/5436186903/in/pool-694451@N21/ I don’t have a favorite pattern because they are all so much fun to sew.
14 years ago LINKmeleliza @meleliza
My first pattern was the sandbox pants. I was impressed with the patterns in the stores at that time, but had no little girl to sew for, so I didn’t make any others. Last January, I took the school days coat workshop with Liesl, learned a great deal and was fairly impressed with my end result. My son is currently wearing that coat. But at that workshop, I was definately jealous that all the other women were sewing such beautiful things for their daughters. That day, I decided to start sewing dresses anyway. I made several things last year for the little girl next door, including the popover dress and the ice cream dress. When I found out we were expecting a little girl!! I started collecting Oliver + S patterns – but I haven’t yet sewn enough of them to decide which is my favorite. Next on my list is a Puppet Show dress for Easter so we’ll see how that goes.
14 years ago LINKhomefire @homefire
Technically my first patterns were the Lazy Days skirt and then the Popover Sundress. I was impressed with those because of the attention to detail in the insructionsnand design on such simple garments. I was hooked and haunted the Flicker group for at least a year before purchasing any a bout a month ago. My first one was the Hopscotch shirt and skirt and I made two tops and two skirts in one evening for my dd’s birthday. Since then I have made the Ice cream dress and then my favorite, the Jumprope Dress. There’s just something about it that is so sweet. Love them all though and I’m hoping to add to my collection.
14 years ago LINKfreyiris @freyiris
My first was the lazy day skirt (though not sure if that counts) – http://www.flickr.com/photos/freyiris/4027777884/
From a practical perspective my favourite is the puppet show short – http://www.flickr.com/photos/freyiris3/5383609603/ My girls aren’t really wearing a lot of skirts yet so I’ve made about 10 of these to get us through summer.
For speed nothing can beat the storytime pjs – http://www.flickr.com/photos/freyiris/5144883232/ Armed with a rotary cutter these are just the quickest things to make. I can’t believe I held off buying this pattern for so long and then only purchased because I loved those Luke Skywalker outfits in the flickr group and was preparing for my son’s inevitable star wars phase. I’ve now bought it for the girls in the small size too.
Though my favourite with the ‘I can’t believe I made that’ factor is the brunch coat. The finished product with the bound seams is just gorgeous. I’ve just finished one and working on the 2nd now. Love!
14 years ago LINKetc3 @etc3
My first O+S pattern was the Tea Party which I do love (my daughter was wearing one today)but I have to say for sheer satisfaction it has to be the Jump Rope for me. All those delicious details, the sash, the belt loops, the button tabs, the placket… gorgeous. The patterns I have made the most are the Puppet Show shorts and the Sandbox Pants (have made about a thousand of those). I’m currently making the Sunday Brunch Coat and I of course I’m loving that one too!
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