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What are you sewing now?

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    with love Heidi @with love Heidi

    I made my fist Swing Set skirt today. WOW! I love this skirt. Twirly, girly, only 4 pattern pieces and I added a shirred waist so I didn’t have to thread all the elastic. I can see myself making lots more 🙂

    Tamara @justsewit

    Well I started on the parachute polo today. I hd to cut a second front because it seems I don’t know my right from my left! Fortunately I got it correct second time around. I am now up to stitching the sleeves, after spending time hand basting. I find that interlock can be a bit of a beast and my machine likes to eat it!

    Tiina @Mireti

    I just finished the Badminton dress. Next is to sew some pants. After School pants or Sandbox pants or both?

    EllenMCM @EllenMCM

    Tiina, congrats on the dress! Can I ask about the scalloped hem facing? I cut out the pattern last night and I feel like the template doesn’t match up with the actual scallops. Is this going to work itself out once I put in the first seams, or did I trace the wrong size template? I feel like these are equally possible because I started the project after 10 pm. Which is maybe not the best plan for me.

    I vote sandbox pants, because I love a drawstring waist and a large pocket. They would look so relaxed and beach-y in a linen blend!

    with love Heidi @with love Heidi

    Onto my second Swingset skirt 🙂 Such A great pattern and the perfect use for a number of semi sheer fabrics in my stash. I’m seriously considering getting it in the small size as well to use up some smaller pieces of fabric for baby gifts.

    Tiina @Mireti

    EllenMCM I made the Badminton dress without scalloped hem.

    I cut the Sandbox pants from brown linen and Afterschool pants from pink denim.

    Sarvi @Sarvi

    @EllenMCM linen sandbox are a great idea, I’m inspired!

    EllenMCM @EllenMCM

    I finished the Badminton Skort! I love it! I’m washing fabric for a second one now, although I won’t get much done tomorrow because my oldest has a birthday and a fencing tournament.

    Tina, I think the afterschools will be adorable in pink!

    Tamara @justsewit

    Oh fencing! My eldest wants to learn but we live in the sticks and there is no instruction anywhere!

    I am almost complete with the parachute polo. Today is perfect sewing weather (raining outside) so I intend to settle in for the day but probably not sew, just tidy up a bit and cut things instead.

    I need to look at a possible rearrangement of my sewing space as Chloe is rolling everywhere and close to the sofa bed which is low near her head. I need to pad it! I also need to set up something so I can make better use of my coverstitch machine. My sewing table is not long enough to accommodate three machines!

    The aim is to cut out the afterschool pants, draft the butterfly skirt pattern and the culotte pattern.

    Anonymous @

    I agree with Sarvi – sandbox in linen will be wonderful.

    Tamara @justsewit

    I have the two big kids at home unwell so not much is happening in the sewing room at present. Its a shame because I signed up for kcw and it starts today!

    I ended up cutting two more parachute polos out yesterday instead of the intended drafting of above said patterns. I hope to include these in the projects intended for this week.

    Has anyone been bold enough to make the Birthday party dress using velvet or velveteen?

    • This reply was modified 9 years ago by Tamara.
    katybellabug @katybellabug

    I have started sewing up my first Badminton top today and am having that feeling of giddy excitement that comes with making up an O+S pattern for the first time! Isn’t it a pretty top?!
    Glad to see others are in the process of using the pattern too. I spend the better part of yesterday morning tracing off everything in a size 10, so am intending on making the dress too while I have the pattern out.

    I have 1 top, 1 skort and 1 pair of shorts cut out. I am going to make up the shorts before the skort just so I can judge the fit on my girl.

    Hope your biggies are feeling better @justsewit Having three underfoot does hamper production somewhat!

    Tamara @justsewit

    Thanks @katybellabug I think I can safely say they are on the mend And hopefully will be settled on the school bus tomorrow morning.

    I managed to get into the sewing room today. I cut out three more pairs of parachute pants and the aim was to assembly line sew them. I spent every nap time sewing and have almost completed them – just have the waistband topstitching and the leg hems and elastic to go. I didn’t do the waist ties this time because I ran out of ready made bias so they are minus the ties. I may regret my decision but then maybe not.

    I have royal blue corduroy laid out on the table with the pieces of the afterschool pants ready to pin. This is next on the kcw list.

    katybellabug @katybellabug

    I am just finished with the scallops on the Badminton skort. I made up a pair of the shorts on their own with a ‘slash and spread’ adjustment and have just checked the fit, which is wonderful! So I can safely cut out another pair to go under the skirt and complete my skort.

    L’s nursery have just sprung a Fox costume request on me for next Wednesday. (She is the red fox in the story of the Gingerbread Man). If they had told me this morning I could have done some planning.

    It is quite warm here at the moment so don’t want to go with my first thought of MIP Uptown Girl coat with Fox hood. Should I go with Brittney’s Fox Playtime Dress? Help! Ideas?!

    Tamara @justsewit

    @katybellabug Brittney’s playtime fox dress would be perfect and it looks simple and straight forward. They didn’t give you heaps of time! But then maybe they think you have a magic sewing wand (like people here think I have)! Hope you can get it done. I don’t know what the hood looks like so in my point of view the fox playtime looks the simplest.

    I have a pair of afterschool trousers laid out on royal blue corduroy and have made a start on the top using bike fabric from Sarah Jane’s children at play line. I want to get on with the top today, hopefully completing it and making a start on the trousers.

    Chloe has her 6 month needles tomorrow so the sewing may be thin on the ground!

    The parachute pants were a cinch to sew up and they are so cute! We are getting comments left right and centre!

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