Oliver + S

UGG Boots for Kids

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    scgoble @scgoble

    My Stella has asked Santa for a pair of “winter boots,” which to her means boots with fuzzy stuff inside. I am loathe to spend so much money on a 5-year-old’s shoes, but I’m also kind of particular about animal products. I’ve read that the cheap imitation UGGs are of “questionable” origin. In other words, I do not want to end up with dog fur or something equally inhumane.

    I know we have lots of Aussies here, (one of whom is in the sheep industry 🙂 ), so please let me know your opinions on these shoes. If you have an alternate brand you’re confident in, please let me know that too. Thanks!


    with love Heidi @with love Heidi

    To be honest most kids I know have the ones from Big W or Kmart ( large chain stores). I suspect these ones are synthetic rather than fleece, but someone else may know. Where I am we have multiple shops that sell multiple types of ugg boots. ugg as in the generic name not the UGG as in the store. I am still wearing a pair I have had for over 10 years and only this year they have got a tiny hole in them, but not unwearable and my husband’s pair we bought 7 years ago are still going strong, we wear them almost every evening for about 9 months of the year. We wear them mainly in the house like slippers as the leather on them is not waterproof type shoe leather, so I would not recommend UGG or ugg boots for outside winter shoes. I would recommend asking for a lovley pair for yourself though 🙂


    We got my husband’s from here, the website doesn’t look much but the shop is amazing and the service very helpful, and 7 years and going strong, their quality is good too!

    Tamara @justsewit

    I do know that alot of shops that have the kid sized boots have synthetic linings. I do understand your wariness though, dog fur lined boots don’t sound very comfy. You just can’t beat the softness of lambs wool (says the woman with sheep in her backyard) so I hope you find your Stella some lovely soft real wool boots that don’t cost a fortune so she can have the same wonderful experience.

    PreemieMomma @PreemieMomma

    I cannot comment on the origin of the sheepskin – Uggs are now made in China despite originally being an Aussie brand. The imitations at places like Target, Kmart, Walmart are synthetic so no sheep are harmed in the making of those. I do own numerous pairs of Uggs, which I wear on cold days but not on rainy or snowy days. Even if you spray them with the protective stuff, they really are not good in the snow or rain. If you take care of them, they will last many years. They can even be thrown in the washer/dryer believe it or not!

    They do stretch with wear so you will get more use out of them than you might think you would. I would guess that unless she has a tremendous growth spurt, you should probably be able to get 2 winters out of a pair before she outgrows them.

    Nicole @motherof5

    If you don’t mind spending a penny Emu Australia make beautiful shoes.

    http://www.emuaustralia.com/store/kids/footwear.html They are what I buy for me and my children.

    Tamara @justsewit

    Just jumped onto the link there Nicole. Looks good! Spending a penny though, that is less than what I have to pay for outdoor type shoes. Time to go shopping I think.

    Nicole @motherof5

    http://fiveandcounting-motherof5.blogspot.com.au/2012/04/this-is-not-best-shorts-pattern.html If you scoot down to the B&W photo of me measuring Tildy, I am wearing their leather, sheep skin lined, high density rubber soled, boot-heaven!

    scgoble @scgoble

    Thanks everyone. The Emus are awesome and I like that they have rubber soles. I can get those through Zappos with next-day shipping so that will work great. I didn’t realize that UGGs (the brand name) weren’t made in Australia anymore.

    with love Heidi @with love Heidi

    I’m not sure that the new brand “UGG” was ever made in Australia. There was quite a big hoo ha over them “copyrighting” the name UGG and trying to prevent anyone else using it!

    Tamara @justsewit

    Had a very good look at the site. This one’s a keeper.

    Sarvi @Sarvi



    My heart thanks you, Nicole, even if my wallet does not.

    scgoble @scgoble

    Niiiice. I just swapped out the bookmark I had for these beauties. Sadly, I don’t see them in adult sizes. 🙁

    Nicole @motherof5

    They are very good quality!

    Aways happy to oblige.


    scgoble @scgoble

    Look what I got today! http://www.flickr.com/photos/22395843@N08/11207195095/

    I can attest they are as cute in person as on the screen. I hope Stella is as excited as I am come Christmas morning.

    Nicole @motherof5

    Oh, they are so cute!

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