Oliver + S

Tucks in fabric for bucket hat!!

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    mrsc1345 @mrsc1345

    So I just finished my first bucket hat tonight, and while it is so cute and relatively easy to sew (dern curves) I kept ending up with extra fabric when I would reach the end of my seam that my hat is covered with little tucks or pleats practically wherever two curved seams meet. While I am highly confident that this is all due to my curved seam sewing errors and not the pattern, what am I doing wrong? Am I not being diligent enough about clipping and pinning? Is it the fact that I am up at 1 am sewing? The inside lining is the worst, when I was blind stitching it on at the end there was a gaping hole of fabric left over so I just folded and stitched. It looks a hot mess. (But do I care enough to redo it? Nah. She will love it and everyone I know will still be impressed I made it.)

    I do see a lot more hats in my future and I would like them to look presentable enough to actually be reversable, so if anyone has any tips, I would love them!

    Nicole @motherof5

    I have not received my book yet,but I have found when making hats,one has to be precise with seam allowances and be very careful not to stretch the curves when sewing(as they are bias and will stretch really easily)

    From memory,my first hat deserved to be buried in the garden in the middle of the night! Yours sounds pretty good and very much wearable!

    Well Done!

    sayiamyou @maraya

    I agree with Nicole, they can be tricky and precision is necessary. I also find that hats are not 1AM projects for me! 🙂 Let your little one enjoy what you’ve made and chalk this one up to experience!

    Missymoo @Missymoo

    I was having the same problem. Used a walking foot instead and problem was solved. Hope someone finds this helpful!

    dare moi @dare moi

    That’s a great tip missymoo! I was just about to start that project!

    Thanks for the heads up

    xoxx s

    Nicole @motherof5

    I thought I would bump this to the top.

    ML @ML

    I’m having this same problem. The hat is so darn cute, but I can’t seem to get that last piece (the Fabric B cap) to fit on. I was doing so well up until that point. And, well, it’s 2am, so that could very well be my problem… I’m not sure how to fix it at this point, because I think the cap really is bigger than the brim. I measured them both, and the cap’s diameter is larger by 2 inches. I have more fabric, and I am stubborn, so I’m going to try to this again. While poking around, I found this blog post: http://alittlegray.blogspot.com/2011/08/lttsa-bucket-hats-part-3-look-no-hand.html Maybe assembling the outside and the lining and then sewing them together will work better. Wish me luck!

    Liesl Gibson

    Ok, a couple of tips for you. First, be sure that you’re clipping into your seam allowances far enough. You could baste along the edges to be clipped with a 3/8″ seam and use that as a guide for clipping. Also, when you start pinning, match the notches and seams first. Then pin the fabric between the notches/seams. This will help to keep the fabric evenly distributed. The seam lines are the same length–it’s just the seam allowances that can make matching the seam lines seem tricky. I’m confident that it will work out for you.

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