I just finished up 3 of these dresses, so I know it can be done! Although they were in quilting cottons and linen, the pocket gathering was a little tricky. If you have any heavy strength thread I would use that, if you haven’t already. I was able to just use my regular thread, and one line of basting stitches, ’cause I’m lazy like that. When gathering I always increase my tension so it does a bit of the natural gathers for me, and it would gather the outside edges but leave the whole pocket area flat. I then would very gently gather up the pocket one edge at a time, just as careful as I can be. I was able to get the pocket area to slightly gather enough to blend in with the dress, but it is not nearly as gathered as the rest of the skirt. But once the dress is finished I think the less gathered pocket area looks just fine, it even helps my little ones find the pockets, as they can be a little tricky for little hand to find in a mass of ruffles, At least for mine. Hope this helps, and you are able to make it work!