Oliver + S

Trouble with matching side panels to front and back pieces!!

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    Sheree @Sheree

    Hi everyone,

    Has anyone had this issue? My side panels seem to curve hugely and not match the back panel or front panel at the top of the side panels for about 2 inches?! I manged to sew the front and side panels together but was tricky. Is there something I’ve missed or are doing wrong. The pieces I cut all match the pattern perfectly but don’t come together like in the instructions!!!! I’m making it in a size 6. When lying the side panel on front or back piece the notches match, the bottom matches but then at the top the side panels all curve inward away from the seam edge and so much that they curve further than the seam allowance allows so to stitch I can’t start at the top as not in the seam allowance! Don’t know if that makes sense….wish I could draw it.



    Nicole @motherof5

    If I am following you correctly…..Is it step 4 of ”Prepare the Gathered Skirt” and step 1 ”Assemble the back dress”?

    If so,because there is a curve some easing will be required(gently stretch one side to fit the other) from memory,the top was a little uneven but it will be covered by the facing so will be fine.

    Is this the area that is causing confusing?

    If not please let me know and I will have another think.

    Good luck!

    JohannaO @JohannaO

    The side panels attach to the front center and back center with princess seams that do curve a little. Start at the top, match right side edge to right side edge, and just make sure all the edges meet up. There might be a slight (1/4″ or so) offset between the front panels and the side panels, but nothing that the facing won’t take care of.

    If you want to take a picture, you can link to it here, and we may be able to help you some more.

    Sheree @Sheree

    Ok Thankyou, I will try and post photo. Just tried but having trouble downloading. Will try again later! Thankyou for your responses. I’m pretty new to sewing!


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