Oliver + S

Top/dress pattern with big armhole opening??

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    Christi1969 @Christi1969

    My 2.5 year old crashed off the monkey bars and is now in a bright pink cast from above her elbow to her thumb. Which patterns have a large sleeve opening that will easily accommodate the cast without having to manipulate her arm? I know the tea party dress should work, but it’s a little too chilly here for sleeveless.

    Should I track down a puppet show tunic? I think that pattern’s sleeves button so we could get it on over the cast? What about the bedtime story pattern? Would the kimono top work as a shirt? Or does it look too much like pajamas?

    Short of hacking the right sleeves off of all of her existing clothes, I was hoping you guys might have some ideas?


    Nicole @motherof5

    I think your on to a winner with the bedtime story kimono top , my 1o year old can wear the size 4 as a blouse, and I think it looks fab as a top.

    Anonymous @

    My two year old daughter has had a series of surgeries on her left arm that required large casts and splints. I tried a few things with success. First, I did make a bedtime story pajama top for her hospital stay, leaving the left side seam and the arm seam open. I finished them separately and put ribbon ties along the side and arm to tie together. I can’t say that they stayed together very well, but they served their purpose. I think better ties rather than slippier ribbon would work better. My next attempt involved opening the seam along the arm of a purchased sweatshirt – I zigzagged along the cut edges, then connected the arm piece to itself with a few short pieces of elastic that I stitched to each side. This was more successful and stayed on better. Had I had more time, I would have tried that with the bedtime story top, which I love and would definitely look like a real shirt in the proper fabric. Another style I had success with was a peasant top. I used the Carla Crim Portrait Peasant pattern from youcanmakethis.com, but there are tutorials on the web, too. I just measured the elastic for the wrist based on her cast circumference and she has gotten a lot of wear out of that (it’s great for pajama tops too). I recommend buying boys’ white tank undershirts to go under any tops you take apart in this way – they’re stretchier than the girls’ versions and make good underlayers.

    You might give the 2+2 top a try, since it buttons up the back.

    Good luck! I’m anxious to see other people’s suggestions – I’ll be customizing clothes for my little one for a long time.

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