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Top stitching thread weight

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    Lightning McStitch @LightningMcStitch

    For those who’ve made these pants with all the topstitching, did you use a regular sew all thread, or the thicker topstitching thread?

    I’d like my topstitching to be noticeable but not look like embroidery if that makes sense.

    Tamara @justsewit

    I use regular topstitching thread for my topstitching ( although I didn’t on the pink field trip pants). You can just use regular sewing thread in the bobbin because it wont work if you do topstitching in the bobbin – bit like bobbinfill – only good for the area in its name.

    It wont look like embroidery thread because it doesn’t have the sheen.

    Nicole @motherof5

    I just use normal thread My Love.

    Brittney @georgeandizzy

    I have used regular thread on two of mine and jeans thread on one. Both worked out great:)

    Justine J @justmejay

    If you do use topstitching thread, then you may need to change your needle to one with a larger eye – it can be tricky to thread 🙂

    with love Heidi @with love Heidi

    I use 2 threads of regular thread, threaded throuogh one needle. I have 2 spool pins and put one on each. If I only have one spool of the colour I want for top stitching I fill an extra bobbin and use that. I find this gives loveley defined topstitching.

    Jennifer1568 @Jennifer1568

    Heidi do you use a fat needle and a long stitch length? Very interesting! I am going to try it.

    Lightning McStitch @LightningMcStitch

    Thanks everyone. I’ve been working with topstitching thread on my latest project and wondered if it wasn’t a bit too thick for two rows of topstitching on the pants. And yes, the needle threading part had me cursing.

    The double regular thread idea sounds perfect.

    needlewoman @needlewoman

    Mettler Silk-Finish Mercerised Cotton is my personal favourite, and best recommendation for top-stitching, and for appliqueing. I discovered this beautiful thread when I needed something a little thicker than ordinary cotton thread, but not as thick as Mettler’s Machine Quilting Cotton for applique work on quilts. For this technique, I use Gutterman cotton thread (more economical) in the bobbin, and the Silk Finish as the top thread. Sometimes do this for top-stitching too, but where top-stitching is going to show on both sides, like cuff, or hem, I use the Silk Finish in the bobbin as well. It comes in a range of gorgeous colours, and gives a gorgeous finish. I also use it for hemming quilts for same reasons. Unfortunately, it’s only sold in the small size spools but it’s not too expensive, and worth it.

    with love Heidi @with love Heidi

    Jennifer, I generally usse whatever needle I’m useing for the main sewing (this is more lazieness thananything). When I do any top stitching I use a stitch length of 3, rather than the 2 I use for general sewing (my machine only goes up to 4).

    Anonymous @

    I’ve been using the same thread I’m using for construction, in a single thickness, but using the triple stitch. It looks really great–much better than the result I get with my machine using topstitching thread–and requires no change in set-up.

    See this link (not mine) for an example: http://sewaholic.net/what-is-triple-stitch/

    vothgirl @vothgirl

    This is great – once I finish a couple other projects I’ll be making two pairs of these pants. It will be fun to play with topstitching and see how it turns out 🙂

    jay_1965vw @jay_1965vw

    I haven’t made these pants, but I have used the triple stitch as topstitching. I agree it looks great, it is just so sloooooow! I also like to be able to make long topstitching stitches, and my machine won’t let me change the length of stretch stitches.

    Tamara @justsewit

    Yes I have taken to using the triple stitch now as previous methods just didn’t stay the course – it is a bit fiddly to try and sew a pocket back on the leg of cargo pants when the topstitching came undone. I made a pair of jeans for my daughter using pink sewing thread and the triple stitch and they turned out so well!

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