Oliver + S

too much coffee and the Music Box Jumer

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    Kimberly @Kimberly

    Okay friends – so upon further perusal…I managed to find …”Repeat steps 1-4 to prepare the second back skirt piece.” So now I am “schooled”. These patterns are so beautifully made and the instructions so clear that I couldn’t ever believe it was anything but operator error:) Blissfully snowed in and back to sewing!

    Sarvi @Sarvi

    That happens to me ALL the time.

    Nicole @motherof5

    Hi Kimberly,I am so glad you worked it out!

    I took the liberty of deleting your other comment as you were sorted. Snowed in sounds like bliss…..I have never seen snow.

    Tamara @justsewit

    Snowed in …. would love to swap! I feel like the roast chicken on a bbq right now!

    Oh we all do some doozies when sewing don’t we? I did hem instructions for view A when I was making view B of the music box.

    Never mind the mistakes are what make us better at it. Glad you worked it out.

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