Oliver + S

This is not a day for sewing

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    Anonymous @

    Sounds like a great show – I love to live vicariously through shows like that!

    Nicole @motherof5

    I really want to sew today !

    I have two sofa’s covered in ironing as I have been so busy sewing I just have not got to it ! I like ironing ! Its nice O+S ego stroking ironing ! But I really want to sew up a play Puppet Show blouse out of green/white & pink/white gingham ”cabbages” ( oh you hip thing Robyn ) for Small One.

    Maybe if Little One has a second sleep it is a sign that I can sew , guilt free ?

    Nicole @motherof5

    Hooray , Just got 2 hours of sewing done ! Not so happy with the gingham outfit , but it is just for play! Hopefully it will look better when finished.

    Nicole @motherof5

    Slightly happier with gingham Puppet Show today , I have worked out it a a linen/cotton mix and it is sewing up beautifully!

    I think I am unhappy as the pattern repeat is not the best, but I have had to fiddle and piece to get it out of the scraps ( pardon , cabbages ).

    Anonymous @

    oh yes – PLEASE do not refer to them as lowly scraps! LOL

    Justine J @justmejay

    THIS IS THE WEEK FOR SEWING! Bad sewing karma seems to have been left behind with last week! Hooray! Have made myself a skirt, shorts for Will and fixed Lucy’s sailboat top! All since Sunday 🙂

    Looking forward to seeing your puppet show outfit, Nicole!

Viewing 6 posts - 16 through 21 (of 21 total)

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