Oliver + S

Thinking of Those Affected by Sandy

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    Rpankow @excytin

    I just wanted to say that those of you on the east coast of the US, I am thinking of you as the information comes pouring in about the hurricane. The photos I’ve seen and the stories I have read just solidifies how crazy this storm really is. I just hope you are all safe and everything will get back to normal soon.


    Sarvi @Sarvi

    Yes, hoping everyone stays warm and dry!

    ThirdMargaret @ThirdMargaret

    Oh, yes! I don’t know how many who visit the boards are affected, but stay safe! Liesl, I know you and yours are right there—I hope y’all are safe and that you have power! You are in our thoughts.

    xo, Meg

    Maggie @Maggie

    So far, so good here in Westchester, NY. I’m expecting to lose power though. I know some of our town has lost power.

    No sewing tonight.

    Mama_Knowles @Mama_Knowles

    We are praying that everyones stays safe, warm and dry!


    Deb @Mynorth

    High gusting winds and rain here in Southern Ontario waiting for it to get worse as the night wears on. Expecting to loose power soon as the lights are flickering. Unplugged my sewing machines fearing a power surge!


    meleliza @meleliza

    Woke up to news of the devastation in Manhattan. Thankfully, it’s not bad here in Philly, but we really feel lfor NY and the shore. I hope everyone at Oand S is ok! We’re thinking of you.

    Tamara @justsewit

    Glad you came through unscathed and I just read the blog post Liesl just put up and thankfully they are ok too.

    Maybe a roll call is in order? Anyone in the area just type a note when you can to let us know maybe? Hoping that power can be restored to you shortly and that the damage in your particular area wasn’t significant.

    katybellabug @katybellabug

    Yes, hope you are all ok. The footage on the news doesn’t paint a happy picture. Stay safe!

    Reeni @Reeni

    I’m in lower Westchester, NY… we just got our electricity back about two hours ago after losing it early Monday evening. Among the few casualties were the planned Halloween costumes — I’ve always been a last-minute sewist! But they still wore the fleece capes I made last year (adapted from the one in LTTS — made knee-length and with the curve redrafted) for pre-sunset trick-or-treating. As you can imagine, I didn’t want to have us out there in the dark while the whole block had no lights!

    needlewoman @needlewoman

    Atta girl; you can’t keep a brave mum down whatever the weather. I hope you haven’t sustained too much damage from wind and rain. Hope the kids enjoyed themselves.

    Maggie @Maggie

    We never did lose power although most of the town did. A big tree came down on our property line, but fell away from the houses.

    I hope for power for those in the dark. I know many people who have moved in with friends until power is restored.


    Nicole @motherof5

    It is just so terrible,our thoughts are with those affected.

    Tamara @justsewit

    We saw footage of trees being ripped by their roots – that would have been so scary not knowing which way they’d go or if the lighter ones would be flung into a building or not. I do believe they are moving as fast as they can to get to those still without help.

    Glad to know you are both alright Maggie and Reeni.

    needlewoman @needlewoman

    While i sympathise with the NY marathoners who have trained for many weeks, I like the gesture of solidarity with those badly affected by Sandy that has resulted in the Marathon being cancelled/postponed this weekend. There are times when even such a worthy activity has to be placed in a wider context.

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