Oliver + S

Sunday Brunch as a winter jacket?

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    Mama_Knowles @Mama_Knowles

    I love the look of the Sunday brunch jacket and have seen several of you ladies lining it. I was wondering if there was a way to make thicker lining to make this jacket for winter? Or would there really be no way with the gathers on the jacket bottom?

    Where we live might get snow maybe once or twice so we don’t live in the freezing teps here but it would still have to be warm. I wouold love to make this because it is so “girly” looking and have fond some cord that would look just wonderful for this pattern too. So what do ladies think?


    beachmom @beachmom

    It’s a close fitting jacket through the sleeves and bodice so my first inclination would be to say that a thicker lining wouldn’t work. But maybe if you sized up?

    romylou @romylou

    I am in the process of making it in fleece (blizzard fleece from Joann’s). It is actually going really well. I was very surprised with how well the fleece gathers. As fleece doesn’t ravel, I have been trimming the seam allowances to get rid of bulk. My walking foot is coming in very handy, especially as the fleece has some stretch to it. We live in Chicago, so this will be for the fall and under something warmer when it gets colder.

    Mama_Knowles @Mama_Knowles

    The fleece is a great idea! I wouldn’t have thought of it at all. The wheels in my head are turning now! I would love to see a picture of it when you done.

    Buggz @Buggz

    I have done it as a lined jacket a couple of times now, using corduroy as the outer and cotton on the lining. What about using flannel as the lining?

    Nicole @motherof5

    If you are worried,size it up,but watch the length of the sleeves!

    Mama_Knowles @Mama_Knowles

    Thanks Nicole, I wouldn’t have remembered to keep the sleeve lenght the same until it would have been to late.

    I seen a jacket close to the Sunday Brunch in the store here the other day that had the cord outter and cotton quilted inside but insted of gathers it was pleated. I am hoping to order the fabric soon and give it a try.

    sayiamyou @maraya

    The sleeves have some “poof” so you could probably get away with sizing up with body but using the appropriate size in sleeves. Then again, if you size everything up you can always let out the sleeves next year!

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