Oliver + S

stretchy denim waistband shifting

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    sasha @sasha

    I am making my daughter a pair of jeans with a stretchy denim. I am trying to top stitch the waist band and the stretchy denim is shifting and making a big mess. When I get to the other end it has shifted and everything is off. The facing is quilting cotton that has been interfaced. Does anyone have any tips to keep this from happening?

    Would hand basting or wonder tape work?

    Nicole @motherof5

    I will often interface a stretch waistband on both pieces as this frequently happens. Another tip is to sew and stop, lift your presser foot (with the needle still in the fabric) this can prevent tucking and shifting.

    To fix it now, try unpicking and hand sewing the waist band and then machine sew over that stitching.

    I am not sure what wonder tape is, is that like double sided sticky tape?

    sasha @sasha

    I think it is a double sided sticky tape that dissolves when washed. I haven’t actually bought any. I have just heard it mentioned by others.

    Thank you for the tips Nicole. I will have to remove it and start over. I will interface both pieces next time!

    Nicole @motherof5

    Oh, that sound awesome, I wonder if I can get it in AUS?

    Good luck!

    mkhs @mkhs

    Yeah, I would raise the presser foot a lot. You could also try decreasing the pressure a little, and maybe flipping it so the quilting cotton is on top– on my machine, the top layer will shift more than the bottom.

    Liesl Gibson

    Sometimes I get around this problem by pinning at regular intervals to ensure that the waistband lies flat and then holding it taut while sewing. If you hold in front and in back of the needle you should be able to keep the layers even and flat as you sew it.

    sasha @sasha

    I removed the waistband and started over. I interfaced both the waistband and facing with fusible woven interfacing. I went slow and picked up the presser foot every now and then. It worked!

    Thank you all for your help!

    Aussie Gal @Aussie

    Hi Nicole, thought of you and your question regarding Wonder Tape. Cheers D http://www.craftymamasfabrics.com.au/products/dritz-washaway-wonder-tape?variant=671330165

    Nicole @motherof5

    Thank you!

    I will get some.

    Aussie Gal @Aussie

    Most welcome.

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