Oliver + S

Stitching the Pleats Permanently !

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    Nicole @motherof5

    After 20 minutes ironing Small Ones 2+2 skirt I wondered …… Could I sew the pleats down the fold lines , from behind , to hold them in place ? ( As you can do with the front panel of the Birthday Party dress )

    claireabel @claireabel

    I don’t see why not (normally I would say to ask Nicole!)

    losabia @losabia

    Someone (I am guessing it was Nicole?) mentioned that you could iron fusible thread into a pleat so that it kept its shape. But I’m not sure whether that works on the inward-pointing pleats? I think the tip was for the pleats that poked out. I’m going to have to search around to find where I read that, especially since I’ve already bought some Guterman fusible thread.

    Nicole @motherof5

    I am very keen to hear more about this product . Thanks Claire , I guess I will just have to try it !

    Anonymous @

    I sewed the pleats in on the Music Class skirt I made last week. I just edge stitched VERY close to the edge on each fold (in and out) to make the creases permanent. It really doesn’t show at all on the baby wale cord. I’m sure it would show on regular woven, but I don’t think it would look bad.

    Nicole @motherof5

    That could look really smart ! Thanks Sandi , just finished ironing the twins and I ironed the pleats full , they only wear them on farm now anyway.

    losabia @losabia

    <p>Someone (I am guessing it was Nicole?) mentioned that you could iron fusible thread into a pleat so that it kept its shape.</p>

    Here’s the link: http://www.oliverands.com/forums/topic.php?id=55#post-211

    I want to try it on a Music Class skirt!

    Anonymous @

    I love the idea of the fusible thread – what a clever solution! That way if you don’t like the look of the edgstitching on the outside folds, you can still set those creases in. I hate ironing. Well, pleats at least.

    Nicole @motherof5

    Excellent link ! Thankyou so much Losabia

    x Nicole

    Nicole @motherof5

    I have finally made this skirt again and did stitch the pleats. I am very pleased and the ironing is non-existent! http://www.flickr.com/photos/motherof5/5832096023/in/pool-694451@N21

    katybellabug @katybellabug

    I have cut out the pieces for this skirt and was thrown into a dilemma once I saw on Flickr that some people sew the pleats down. What to do? Nicole has just nailed it by saying the words ‘non-existent ironing’. I hate ironing! So this has made my mind up. Thanks Nicole!

    Nicole @motherof5

    It works so well Katy. I did a couple of versions of this sweet little skirt,it is so versatile.


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