Oliver + S

Step 1 – View A Front Skirt

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    Donna @dlaviola

    Is the open side on the right and the folded side on left?

    Donna @dlaviola

    Step 1

    Nicole @motherof5

    Is there a direction written to place one side on a fold?

    Donna @dlaviola

    Yes, for cutting out in the beginning. But diagram to me looks like it is showing open on right. It is very slight in picture.

    Donna @dlaviola

    Here is the Front Skirt – Step 1.

    Lightning McStitch @LightningMcStitch

    This step is sewing the pleats. So long as you fold the fabric right sides together it doesn’t technically matter whether you hold it as in the picture (folded side on the left) or turn it upside down (folded side on the right).
    If you flip it and have the fold on the right but the markings still at the top then it’s all still the same.
    Just sew one pleat line matched to it’s neighbour then refold to sew the next and so on.
    Hope that helped.

    Donna @dlaviola

    Thank you! It helps.

    Donna @dlaviola

    Finished the dress finally.

    Thank you!

    Tamara @justsewit

    Oh good! May you show us?

Viewing 9 posts - 1 through 9 (of 9 total)

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