Oliver + S

Spam Posts?

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    Jess M. @mommy2maria

    I’ve been noticing more and more lately.

    Is there any place we should be reporting this to you, so we can help you help get rid of it?


    Nicole @motherof5

    I try and check several times a day and catch as much as I can.

    Just don’t click on it,that will help.

    ~Nicole~(I copied your pretty name wiggles)!

    Jess M. @mommy2maria

    Good to know! Thanks!

    (no worries, I’m sure I’ve snitched the squiggles from someone else at some point in time! haha)

    scgoble @scgoble

    Some of them make me laugh – it’s like absurdist, stream-of-consciousness poetry or something.

    Nicole @motherof5

    Yes,with Prada handbag inserted!!!!

    Todd Gibson

    And, Prada handbag, let me say publicly how much we appreciate ~Nicole’s~ help with keeping the spam out of the forums. Prada handbag. Gucci shoes.

    Seriously, though, our registration process keeps the vast majority of spam off the forums but occasionally some does get through. If anyone else who is a trusted, regular contributor here is interested in having her access level updated to moderator, please email information@oliverands.com. Your only job requirement, if you are up to the challenge, is to hit the “delete” button on posts that are clearly spam and to email in a notice if you see something else that’s questionable.

    Thanks, all of you, for your contributions here and your concern about keeping this a spam free place for discussion.

    Jess M. @mommy2maria

    Todd I’d be happy to help out since I mentioned it. Though now it might be funny to randomly insert ~Prada handbag~ into posts!

    Todd Gibson

    As some of you may have noticed, the number of spam posts here has risen a bit lately. Actually, it’s risen a whole lot. We average well over 1,000 new spam posts a day, every day, but the system automatically catches and removes almost all of them. Occasionally, a few will get through which our generous moderators nuke for us.

    In an attempt to limit this, we’ve recently done some cleanup on the forums’ back end. We deleted all posts marked as spam, and then we analyzed all usernames to find the ones that did not have any posts left in the forums. These were users (or bots) who had registered for the purposes of creating spam. We deleted all these users from the system. This may help reduce the number of spam comments we get going forward.

    If you had created a username for the site but had never posted anything, your username was collateral damage in this clean-up effort. The impact to you will be minimal. You can still read everything in the forums, and none of your posts were deleted because you hadn’t made any. But if you had created a username and had not posted any content, you’ll need to recreate that username now. We may, as well, have caught one or two people out who were creating usernames and posts while we were working on this. If that’s the case for you, we apologize. Please recreate your username.

    with love Heidi @with love Heidi

    Wow, that’s a lot of Spam!

    Sarvi @Sarvi

    Ah, that’s interesting. I’d noticed that when I tagged spam, it took me to a page where I could suddenly see that a thread like this, with one or two pages of posts, had another 150 (!) pages of spam. I thought the other moderators were just incredibly effective because I only ever saw the few stray bits here or there make it onto the fora! That’s some nice spam-catching software.

    Jess M. @mommy2maria

    Yikes! That is a lot of spam!

    Me too, Sarvi! I had a few spam posts on my posts recently, and before I could log on, one of the other lovelies had already taken care of it. (I also found it funny that one of my threads had like 4 spam replies, and I’m a moderator hahahaah!)

    Jess M. @mommy2maria

    Bumping this up because I just ran across an instance where the computer version of this forum shows no spam in a certain thread, but my mobile version (both regular mobile, and when I request the desktop site) shows spam. I’m under the assumption the spam has been deleted, but it’s still showing on one type of viewer, even after refreshing.

    And since we are talking spam, when new enchancements to the forums are made, it would be nice to have a moderators thread, where we can discuss moderation issues such as this. 😀

    Sarvi @Sarvi

    Hm, I haven’t noticed it on mobile devices. Could I suggest that we talk about spam control type issues by email? I fear it would be at best distracting and at worst boring for others.

    Nicole @motherof5

    Second, if you see them, delete them.

    Contact Todd via the ‘Contact Us’ link for any tricky ones. He sorts ’em out.

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