Oliver + S

Sleepover pj pants made into harem pants

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    Tamara @justsewit

    The time has come for me to get cracking and make the much needed costume for one of our leading “men” in the upcoming school production. He needs some Arabic chic in his costume consisting of, harem pants, a lovely shirt and a vest.

    I have yet to meet this kid who is playing the role of the Prince of Araby (from the play Sheik Rattle n Roll) but from what I have been told, he is on the small side. I am really hoping that his sizing will fall into the Oliver and s size ranges so that I have patterns to fall back on.

    The colors I plan to use are gold and red and am mainly using satin with the vest being a different sort of (forgotten the name of it) fabric that frays really badly but is great for costumes.

    Really not sure as to how to go about them in order to create the “pinup Arabic stereotypical princely look” but I’m gathering it has something to do with the inner leg seam when dealing with a pattern such as this.

    I am planning to use the sketchbook shirt as the basis of the shirt with the mandarin collar and will possibly alter the sleeve a bit to exclude the cuff. I am yet to dig through the stash of other patterns to find something that will suit the vest.

    Now, if I were to use the sleepover pajama pants pattern for the harem pants, should I curve the inner leg seams to get the full pant look or just take the line straight down to the ankle? Do I need to do anything to the crotch at all?

    Any help would be much appreciated. I am going to measure this young man today and hopefully will be able to start working on his costume this weekend so that he can have it in time for the production excursion in a week or two.

    Mama_Knowles @Mama_Knowles

    I remember my brother haveing a few pairs of pants like this when he was a teenager years ago,lol. I have to call and ask my mom how they were made. Here they were know as MC Hammer pants in the 80s and were so popular. Funny what wa si style then. 🙂

    Tamara @justsewit

    “You can’t touch this!” lol! and that funny little dance he did in the video. Oh the memories!

    Yes that is sort of the thing. I rang Country Bumpkin this afternoon (they produced the now discontinued Australian Smocking and Embroidery magazine) because I am using a pants pattern from their issue 79 for my daughter’s harem girl costume. They suggested to split the pattern in half down the length and widen it that way in order to get the fullness. I’ve done that with the pattern I intend to use for IG but not for the young man who was unfortunately a no show at rehearsals today.

    Oh well! I drove my usual one hour round trip to town expecting to measure the Prince of Araby but measured someone in a minor role who resembles the height but is a bit beefier round the middle. It will at least get me started. I know that I can in fact use the size 12 of the said patterns and I can work on at least the toile of the pants over the weekend so that after work on Monday, I can get this young chap to try them on and go from there plus measure him to double check on the shirt – and hopefully have the approval over IG’S costume too.

    Opening night is about 6 weeks away INCLUDING two weeks of Easter break in between. So time is marching on at full speed and so must I!

    Nicole @motherof5

    Remember,costumes are worn very briefly in children’s productions and don’t expect thanks from the non-sewing community-that just don’t realise the work involved. You do it for the children and the personal satisfaction,any gratitude is a bonus.

    I would keep it simple and use dramatic fabric to make the impact. The two o+S pajama patterns would be a perfect base. To get that baggy pants look,perhaps try lowering the crotch seam very low and possibly sew some stretched elastic to the crotch seam to gather it so the satin is ruched and catches the light.

    Tamara @justsewit

    Precisely, simple effective (and inexpensive) fabrics in bright exhuberant colours along with a little trim and you’ve got one great looking leading character. These patterns are simple and down to the ground and that’s why I’ve gone for them. Toile not doing just going to measure again and get going – haven’t got time to fiddle.

    Yes elastic at the ankles and waist is what has been requested. Anything that is easy to pop on. I may even do that for the shirt yet although I think cuffs will look better – time will tell.

    I know the staff are really appreciative of my help and that is all that matters. There are not many mums who can sew in this town so they are grateful that someone who can has put their hand up to help. The gratification is seeing them on the stage looking brilliant in their costumes.

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