Oliver + S

sizing and errata

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    rastis @rastis

    i’m just about to cut these out and i’m wondering what people think about the sizing (those who’ve made them before)… do they run true to size? is there much ease in the pattern? i don’t really want to cut out a pair of practice jammies 🙂

    also i can’t find the errata for this pattern? i tried clicking on the link in the “notches don’t match” thread, but it couldn’t find the page?

    thanks so much!

    Nicole @motherof5

    They are a good pj fit. My girls measure up an o+s 8 and I made the 10(as they have Kylie bums)and the fit is spot one,with growth room.

    As for errata,I know the side notches are out on one size but thats all I can recall…..

    rastis @rastis

    thanks nicole… i’m deciding between the size 4 or 5? there’s a huge difference in fabric requirements between those 2 sizes- like 3/4 yard difference in the main fabric- which seems a little odd to me… i might have to lay them out to work out why that is?

    JohannaO @JohannaO

    On the suggested layout for the pants, for the size five, you may not be able to cut two from a folded width of fabric. I haven’t had any trouble with it, but that is the reason for the difference in fabric requirements. I made mine a size four with a size five length, but my little girl tends to run long and lean.

    Jess M. @mommy2maria

    I’d go ahead and make the larger size and if needed, fold the cuff’s up more than normal.

    My daughter has unique fitting needs (especially the tops—length and waist) due to an birth defect she has, so I’m always in here buggering people about sizing!

    My daughter is about to turn 3, and has been consistently wearing size 2-3 in Oliver + S (I usually have to lengthen things, but they fit well). I made size 2T in Late Feb/Early March. She went through a HUGE growth spurt, and I’ve noticed that we’re almost to the point of needing to unfold the hems. But otherwise, she has PLENTY of room still in both the pants and top.

    I would think that a kid old enough to wear size 5, isn’t growing nearly as fast as a 3 year old (since growth slows down a bit around this age), you’ll be fine with whatever you choose.

    rastis @rastis

    thanks so much for all your thoughts!! my little boy is 3 and wearing size 5- he’s growing so crazy fast i have trouble keeping up with him… he’s tall for his age and he used to be quite solid, but is turning rather long and lean with his latest growth spurts… i’m always in favour of making things that are a bit too big so they have some grow room in them…. cause he has a habit of growing out of things mid season!

    Jess M. @mommy2maria

    I’d make it bigger then! You can always go back in and make the elastic in the pants bigger if necessary as he grows.

    Even though at this age their growth is slowing, as big as your son is, I’d err on the side of caution, especially after putting in the work to make them. And these are fabulous pjs!

    Tamara @justsewit

    If he’s shooting up into the stratsphere then the bigger size is what you need. It is always better to have it bigger than find you have to turn around and make a whole lot more a few weeks later. My daughter did this at this age and just felt I couldn’t keep up (and stopped sewing for a while because of it). Kids are funny with growth they go up then out then up and generally out – you little one sounds like he’s up and up and up!

    Take the challenge and make some. You won’t regret it.

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