Oliver + S

She grows too fast!

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    JohannaO @JohannaO

    The lovely dresses (and some pants) I made my daughter at the beginning of the summer are now all too short, and looking more like tunics. Is there anything that you do to add length once the dress or pants are done? I have plenty of matching/coordinating fabric, but I’m feeling a little intimidated by her 2 1/2 inches of growth this summer. (Poor girl, no wonder she complained that her legs hurt her each night!) She’s not a fan of pants, but with fall/winter (fingers crossed) around the corner, she might cozy up to that idea.

    Nicole @motherof5

    My girls love to wear dresses over skinny jeans, it looks so cute!Or you could get the pattern back out and use the next size as a guide to adding a border at the bottom of the garment.

    PS Thanks for the link to the binding thingy!

    icicle @icicle

    Ruffles work wonders for adding length — not exactly my style but my daughter LOVES them — and leggings are a quick sew for modesty. I can usually get an extra year out of clothes with those two ‘fixes’.

    2.5 inches! Yes, that’s impressive, poor thing.

    Justine J @justmejay

    My girls both wear leggings or jeans under their dresses – I like them as tunics!!

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