Sew Beautiful Magazine
10 years ago LINK
Jane @jesims
I just got a postcard saying that Sew Beautiful magazine is longer going to be printed. π I have really enjoyed the magazine and will be sad to see it go. What (if any) craft/sewing publications do you subscribe to that I might be able to use to fill my Sew Beautiful void?
10 years ago LINKTamara @justsewit
Oh whaaat??? First Creative Needle then Australian Smocking and now Sew Beautiful?? Are they still doing the digital thing?
To tell the truth though Jane, since Hoffman company took over from Martha Pullen, the magazine hasn’t been as “good”. Martha had more patterns. The magazine has some wonderful ideas but they are more inspirational than project. I used to look forward to seeing what patterns would be available – my favourites were the pascal dress and the scalloped jacket. But just the techniques like how to do sharks teeth (which I still am yet to master) and how to actually shape lace etc. who is going to show us how now?
Bit sad about this news.
10 years ago LINKcybele727 @cybele727
Oh yes. They announced this on FB, a couple of months back or so. I thought it sad, because I had purchased one on how to use ribbon as embellishments and thought, this is good, I wonder if every issue is this great!
10 years ago LINKTamara @justsewit
But if they announced they weren’t PRINTING the magazine a few months ago, when does this come into effect? They still have digital versions so I am wondering if they are ceasing just the physical copies? I hope so because it is a good magazine for inspiration. I noticed they have some sort of printing rights to Australian Smocking and Embroidery because they issued a best of issue. I was very attached to that magazine so it stung when I saw it.
I hope at least we still get to have digital copies.
10 years ago LINKJane @jesims
The postcard I got lead me to believe they were stopping all publications. I didn’t get the impression they were continuing w/ just a digital format and stopping onLy print. I have the option of receiving Sew a News or any of the other Martha Pullen publications.
10 years ago LINKJane @jesims
This is posted on their website if you click subscriptions, it is the same wording as the postcard. It doesn’t say anything about digital, I was just reading between the lines I guess.
“After much analysis and discussion with our team, we at The Martha Pullen Company have made the difficult decision that Sew Beautiful magazine will publish its last issue (Aug/Sept 2014) this summer. Back issues of Sew Beautiful will still be available at
For a generation we have provided the very best information and instruction you – our readers – demand. Due to changes in the market, and the magazine industry, and after seeing a decreasing number of subscribers over the years, it was no longer economically viable to publish the magazine.
After the last issue of Sew Beautiful mails, all subscribers will have the opportunity to sample sister publication Sew News, a venerable title in its own right, or transfer to other quilting, knitting or crochet titles, or request refund if desired. We apologize for the confusion, it certainly was not our intent.
Thank you for your interest in Sew Beautiful.”
10 years ago LINKTamara @justsewit
Oh what a blow! One would think they would see the year out. Oh what a shame! (Now I have that Queen song in my head!) sings Another one bites the dust!
10 years ago LINKneedlewoman @needlewoman
Oh bugger!!! No serious apology for swearing. My favourite Cross Stitch mag has digital editions but only if you have an i phone or something equally expensive/complicated. Nobody scrolls through their online mags like one flicks through ‘real’ magazines. Did they say why, Jane? Printing costs, I’m guessing. It’s still not fair, – as the kids would say. PS: how is the gorgeous Zachery going, these days?
10 years ago LINKTamara @justsewit
Due to a drop off of subscribers as well as costs I think Fiona.
10 years ago LINKneedlewoman @needlewoman
You’re probably right, T. Ironically, while I was sticking my latest downloads together this morning, ABC RN had a feature on Downloading patterns, and the revival of sewing c/o of blogs/forums like ours. Seems a lot of people are appreciating the company/support and advice provided on line for their sewing, and maybe as a consequence, the need for mags is dwindling.
10 years ago LINKNicole @motherof5
Magazines require storage and I think people just don’t have the space.
I purchased RM William’s and Country Living for years but it got to the stage that I didn’t even open them at times. Straight to the beach cottage. I simply do not have time.
Libraries are excellent too, many have the magazines or will get them for you.
I have tubs and tubs of Top Kids (like Ottobre) and Smocking magazines, I doubt I will ever use them again.
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