Oliver + S

school days jacket + coat sewing pattern question

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    linynp @linynp

    Will an adult version be coming out? I love this jacket! But I want one!!!!!! If not any recommendations for one like it in adult version?

    Lightning McStitch @LightningMcStitch

    http://www.threodtheory.ca check out the Goldstream PeaCoat

    with love Heidi @with love Heidi
    Robin @Robin

    http://threadtheory.ca/ Try this link for the pea coat.

    linynp @linynp

    Thank you all so much. I’ll look and fingers crossed!

    Nicole @motherof5

    I am making that one for Hugo soon!

    linynp @linynp

    Nicole seriously? Awesome then I’ll wait! Yippee. Thanks.

    Nicole @motherof5

    Soon for me will be a few months….. so don’t wait if you are in a hurry. There is also a full tutorial out there, I will have a hunt for you.

    Hugo chose a charcoal flecked wool, fabulous!

    Julianne @madewithlove

    Has anyone made an adult version?? I am very I treated In making this for myself, but could use some guidance. Any help?

    Todd Gibson

    Sizing this coat up may not be easy to do. You could always use the Grainline Cascade Duffle Coat pattern instead.


    Carolyn Kummer @ARareVision

    My 10 year old grand daughter has asked me to make her a duffel coat and this pattern would be perfect if it included her size! The Grainline Cascade Duffle Coat would obviously be too big for her. Any other suggestions, please?!

    pqtn @pqtn

    I also love this coat and have made it 4 times for my kids. I’m now working on a 5th winter coat for my 6 yr old. When my daughter was 10, I printed the pattern at 105% which worked fine, though not ideal. Peek-a-boo patterns has a duffle coat up to size 12 as does Tadah patterns. However, I have not used either of these pattern companies so I can’t attest to their quality, whereas O+S patterns really are the best! Good luck.

    Carolyn Kummer @ARareVision

    Many thanks, pqtn! I shall check out the patterns you suggest and see how it goes. It’s all rather up in the air as I live in Switzerland and my fast-growing grand daughter lives in London. As, currently, we can’t visit London and they can’t visit us, I don’t want to be in a situation where the coat no longer fits her when travel restrictions are lifted! Thanks again 🙂

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