Oliver + S

Ruffle fabric

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    Kim @kmac0107

    I want to sew the playtime leggings from ruffle fabric. The last time I sewed leggings (from another pattern) from the ruffle fabric one of the legs was spiral like a candy cane. I was careful to line up the stripes horizontal when I cut them out. I emailed the pattern designers and they responded that they didn’t know why it happened. Has anyone experienced this and how can I prevent it from happening again?

    Maggie @Maggie

    Did you cut both legs at the same time? Could the layer underneath have shifted?

    Kim @kmac0107

    I guess it could have but I remember carefully lining the rows up, it was the kind of pattern where it was 2 pieces, you sew up the inside of both legs and put one inside of the other and finish the crotch. Everything seemed fine until I finished and looked at them.

    Nicole @motherof5

    I am with Maggie on this one. I have been muddling your question over and discussing it with Hugo (my son, he is pretty good at problem solving)

    All I can suggest is cutting both legs separately, flipping the pattern,

    That is what I tend to do when cutting stripes anyway.

    Good luck.

    Kim @kmac0107

    Thank you, to all of you, for helping to me to figure this out. That must be what happened and I will cut out each one separately.

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