Royal babies!
9 years ago LINK
EllenMCM @EllenMCM
Kensington Palace released pictures today.
I’m not in love with Charlotte’s outfit, mainly because I think all the white is boring. She certainly does look comfortable and very sweet. I do like the piping on George’s shirt. I also like that, despite not yet being three, he has a distinctive look – knee socks, short trousers, and button downs (often with little sweaters). It’s so traditional and British, and reads like a very formal reminder that he’s a little boy.
Does anyone else think George sometimes wears handmade? You could totally make that shirt with the sketchbook pattern. (I would ask the same about Charlotte, but there aren’t enough pictures of her to point to specific garments as possibly homemade yet. At least, not for me to point them out.
9 years ago LINKTamara @justsewit
What beautiful photos! Prince George is just a stunning little fellow isn’t he? And little Princess Charlotte is just so delightful!
I am certain we will see some very classic styles coming to the forefront as she grows.9 years ago LINKLinda @Knitting1
Wouldn’t it be great if Kate turned out to be a secret sewist and she started ordering dozens of Oliver+s patterns and posting them in our Flickr group?
Liesl could introduce a new boys blazer, called of course, The George, and a new unisex baby pattern called The Charlie… Or alternatively, a girls’ pattern could be called, Buckingham Palace Garden Party dress or the Royal Family Reunion Party dress…
Hey Liesl and Todd, to celebrate the royal birth/children, how about a competition to name your next pattern after them with a prize of the pattern to the winner? Something like the George+c pattern range. I have some fabric with crowns on in my stash just waiting for some inspiration!
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9 years ago LINKMama_Knowles @Mama_Knowles
OH I love Prince George’s outfit, his mom has such classic taste in her clothes and children. The ones I adore the most are the smocked outfits though! My littlest one dresses much like her little boy and loves those outfits as well. Kate really helped bring smocking to younger generation. I am for one excited to see how she dresses the new baby girl.
9 years ago LINKEllenMCM @EllenMCM
Mama Knowles, I’m excited about Charlotte’s future smocked outfits too! George had such adorable smocked things when he was tiny.
9 years ago LINKSarvi @Sarvi
Haha! Like when somebody asked a British friend of mine whether he was celebrating the fourth of July and he gently pointed out that it was considered rather a loss, from their side. Generally royalty are a bit at odds with the American meritocratic ideal wherein all babies are seen as equally worthy, wouldn’t you say? Cute babies, though, and I love the way they dress 🙂
9 years ago LINKlattemama @lattemama
On the topic of royal babies, there was a new Prince born in Sweden on Monday:
His mother, princess Madeleine was very pregnant over the weekend when Prince Carl Philip married Sofia Hellqvist. But she had good manners and waited until the wedding was over to have the baby 😉
Official pictures from the wedding: if you are so inclined: )
The new Prince hasn’t got a name yet. It will be announced today at around 5 pm after the King informs the government about it.
9 years ago LINKEllenMCM @EllenMCM
Congratulations to Sweden! And, of course, to Princess Madeleine. He’s a cutie!
9 years ago LINKNicole @motherof5
Lovely photos Lotta, thank you!.
9 years ago LINKTamara @justsewit
Isn’t he divine! And the wedding photos look wonderful too!
9 years ago LINKKAREN @Butterfliesandfaeries
Such a beautiful baby! I wonder if we will see him in smocking?
9 years ago LINKTamara @justsewit
Probably. I know it is huge in some European royal families to have their children wear smocked clothing – Netherlands comes to mind there. I love his little outfit he is wearing in the photo.
It would be fun to see how he is dressed as he grows.
9 years ago LINKEllenMCM @EllenMCM
Kate LOVES smocking! I know because we chatted about it last time I went over for tea.
But she does love smocking – she got George into it at least three times when he was just a wee thing. Any mum who gets her baby boy into smocking is not going to miss the opportunity to put it on her tiny girl. I’m hoping they wear some of the same pieces, because being passed down is what smocking is for! But I’m looking forward to seeing it on Charlotte in her future public appearances.
9 years ago LINKSarvi @Sarvi
Oh gosh that new baby is darling! I love his sweet little knit outfit.
9 years ago LINKReeni @Reeni
Love that Kate (at least I think it is her who chooses their outfits?) has a vintagey sensibility, or is at least very aware of Diana’s taste and the visual significance of memories… as when George wore the same blue shorts-suit Will did for his Buckingham balcony debut recently. She’s on her own for Charlotte tho… I don’t recall any particularly striking outfits on Sarah’s girls. I have seen Kate herself in a dress with tulip sleeves that would be a ringer for a grown-up Fairytale dress.
The Swedish royal children are adorable!! IMHO, grey is such a good baby color especially with fair skin. Prince Nicholas Paul is a cutie! -
This reply was modified 9 years ago by
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