ridiculously embarrassing first-timer question
13 years ago LINK
sewkellysews @sewkellysews
this will be my first attempt EVER at making clothing. and i have a really DUMB question! i would love to just figure it out on my own, but i’m terrified of messing up, and having to go out and buy more fabric.
i’m using fabric with a pattern (since this is my first time, i probably should’ve chosen solid fabrics). when i fold the fabric to cut the pieces, do i fold it right or wrong sides together?
13 years ago LINKRebecca W @craftalittle
I say no question is a dumb question. 🙂
Fold right sides together.
Good luck! What are you making? I mad my first ever clothes almost 2 years ago with an O+S pattern and I have been hooked ever since!
13 years ago LINKsewkellysews @sewkellysews
thank you so much! i had folded it wrong sides together and was so scared to cut into it!
i’m making the birthday party dress. actually two of them for my daughters. 🙂
13 years ago LINKRebecca W @craftalittle
I will admit that I have folded wrong sides together and cut the whole pattern out and have had no issues. Sometimes I get so caught up in my pretty fabric that I forget I am not supposed to see it when cutting. I cut a jump rope dress right wrong sides together and something else (I forget which) and had no issues with it. And these are some of the last couple of things that I made that I made this mistake on. 🙂
I am not really sure why this is how it is done. Perhaps someone wiser than me will jump in an advise…
13 years ago LINKlattemama @lattemama
I cut with wrong sides together if I want to make sure I have the print aligned correctly (if that is an issue) otherwise I prefer to cut with right sides together so any markings I make that may not come out in the wash are on the wrong side of the fabric.
I also want the markings needed for sewing on the wrong side since that is what I will be looking at while sewing, hence I fold right sides together.
Good luck! And remember, there are no dumb questions, only people answering who make you feel dumb, when they shouldn’t. Ask away and we’ll help if we can.
13 years ago LINKNicole @motherof5
Here here Lotta.
I do both,all depends on what I am making.
13 years ago LINKsewkellysews @sewkellysews
thanks for the support!! i’m sure i’ll have many more questions as i go. 🙂
13 years ago LINKTriMama @TriMama
Welcome! There are no dumb questions. I don’t think it really matters. I always cut wrong sides together and had no idea I was doing it “wrong” until I read this thread. I like to be able to see the right side of the fabric so I can pattern match if the fabric calls for it.
On each pattern piece you’ll notice the grainline has an arrow on it. Just make sure that all the arrows are pointing in the same direction before you start cutting. That way if your pattern is directional your finished garment won’t end up with some pieces having the pattern running in the opposite direction.
Have fun!
13 years ago LINKAnonymous @
Actually, you’ll be happy that you chose a printed fabric instead of solid. Makes it easier to determine which side is which! I also fold it either way depending on what I’m doing on and how/where I’m going to transfer markings. Have fun and be sure to post your birthday party dresses on Flickr for us to see! 🙂
13 years ago LINKsewkellysews @sewkellysews
well, i can’t believe i made it through this pattern without having to ask anymore embarrassing questions! this forum is such a great resource! anytime i had questions about something, i checked here and found my answer.
here’s the link to my flickr pictures….http://www.flickr.com/photos/7253051@N07/sets/72157626535782762/
i’m going to make the tea party bloomers to go with them, and once i’ve done that i’ll blog about it all. 🙂
13 years ago LINKNicole @motherof5
If that is a first ‘go’ you are amazing!
My first efforts needed burying in the garden at midnight!
13 years ago LINKJustine J @justmejay
Your dresses are gorgeous, Kelly! Congrats!
(btw – I cut wrong sides together!!! I know that’s wrong – I’ll blame it on being left-handed – or mild dyslexia!!)
13 years ago LINKjanimal @janimal
Those dresses are lovely! Well done!
I usually cut right sides together for the same reason listed above, so I can make my markings on the wrong side so they won’t show if they don’t wash out.
But honestly, I don’t think it matters. As long as you are consistent. The grainline is what is most important.
Happy sewing! Keep showing us your stuff!
13 years ago LINKsewkellysews @sewkellysews
thanks you guys!
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