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    housecall @housecall

    I am going to be starting my first garden party dress. I want to use ribbon in place of the contrast trim piece. Do I just substitute the ribbon for the waistband pieces? What about the front yoke? Or do I need to just apply it with edge stitching on top of the existing fabric pieces?

    with love Heidi @with love Heidi

    It would depend on how wide your ribbon is and the look you are going for. And is the contrast trim pattern piece straight? If it is then you should be fine substituting the ribbon.

    Nicole @motherof5

    @housecall, if I may be so bold, here is a tute http://fiveandcounting-motherof5.blogspot.com.au/2014/03/the-garden-party-tutorial-part-one.html

    Unless your ribbon is very firm I would be inclined to sew it on top rather then replace the yoke and waistband.

    *Love* this pattern, have fun.

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