Oliver + S

Request for a pinafore in the next release of patterns?

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    meghanclinard @meghanclinard

    I was just having the discussion with my mom and sister about how we always had a pinafore in our wardrobe as little girls. I would love to see an Oliver + S pattern come out with their nice modern spin on a classic. Just hoping it might spark some interest! Thanks for the amazing patterns and fun inspiration.

    Nicole @motherof5

    I would have described the Music Box dress as a pinafore. Have you seen that Meghan? Or do you have another view in mind?

    sayiamyou @maraya

    Meghan: Here’s a “wish list” thread started by Liesl:


    Sarvi @Sarvi

    Yes, the Music Box is also what I would consider a pinafore, and for me a classic example of flickr selling a pattern. Once I saw the flickr community go to town, it became my second-favorite pattern, the one I make most after only the Tea Party, and I have some kind of sentimental loyalty to that pattern.

    Is this like jumper/sweater? Does pinafore mean different things in different places?

    sayiamyou @maraya

    Most of what I see that’s labeled “pinafore” crosses in the back. It’s one piece, sometimes reversible, and is generally the length of a shirt – to be worn with bloomers. This is what my grandmother describes to me too as a pinafore.

    Liesl Gibson

    You’re thinking of something more like an apron, right? I think I know what you mean. If I can think of a way to do this that isn’t too costumey I’d love to do one. Oliver + S isn’t really a period-clothing type of brand (as you know), but I agree that it would be very cute done in a contemporary manner.

    It probably won’t include bloomers, however. Or a sunbonnet. Unless I can do it in a way that feels appropriate for today.

    I’m open to your suggestions, so if you see something you like send me a link! It’s helpful to get ideas.

    icicle @icicle

    I’ve always been partial to this modern japanese version — it’s open in the back so a true ‘pinny’ in my mind.


    eta: book ISBN 457911194x / ISBN 9784579111947

    icicle @icicle

    Oh, and this wrap-around version, again japanese:


    eta: book ISBN#978-4-529-04550-6 / ISBN 4529045501

    JohannaO @JohannaO

    I really like that second one.

    meghanclinard @meghanclinard

    Liesl, I know I’m pretty tardy in my response but I just stumbled across an image of a pinafore that I like. You’re right. The image of a ‘pinafore’ that I have (what my mom made for us) is something more like an apron, but I think it could be so much fun for a more contemporary version. I do like the open back of the classic version though maybe doesn’t appeal to the masses.

    I found a vintage pattern for sale on eBay that is close to what my mom made: http://www.ebay.com/itm/Vintage-Crochet-PATTERN-Windmill-Pinafore-Dress-Sz-3-4-/260593722229

    And the one I just came across for sale at Boden is here: http://www.bodenusa.com/en-US/Girls-Dresses/33189-BPK/Girls-Bright-Pink-Pansy-Garden-Hotchpotch-Pinafore.html.

    I’m not totally won over by the Boden version but its more of a contempory twist on the classic.

    Thanks for humoring me! Like everyone else, I can’t wait for the upcoming release of new patterns!

    Very sincerely, Meghan

    meleliza @meleliza

    I’ve seen big four patterns that include an overdress like the one you quote first. I agree it would be difficult to do in a non costumey way. What would the Modern use be? Presumely, aprons helped when laundry was difficult to do. But now?

    Nicole @motherof5

    Goodness,you must have a very clean daughter.

    I should make some pinafores for Matilda because she goes through two(or more)dresses a day. A little pinny would be quicker to launder than a dress.

    I really,really should make her some.

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