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Question about the last few pattern pages

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    jodskiinca @jodskiinca

    I thought I’d start a new thread, in case anyone else has this same problem. πŸ™‚ I’m having trouble trying to figure out where to cut pages number 38 and 39 in the pattern. Page 39 says back neck and looks like it has the button hole areas on it. As for 38, I have no clue what that is. LOL. If there’s anyone who has those pages printed out and can cut them properly and take a picture and email it to me, I would be so appreciative! I don’t see either of those pieces on the page with the cutting layout pictures. Thank you!


    Sarvi @Sarvi

    Hi Jodi — on my copy, working backwards:

    page 41 is the big pattern sheet.

    page 40 is the edge of the buttonhole layout guide/template — you’d cut out or trace the strip of buttonholes that correspond to the size you’re making, and transfer the marking with pins. It would help you figure out how to space out your buttonholes evenly.

    page 39 is the other half of the buttonhole template. It’s too big to fit on a single sheet, so it’s mostly on page 39, with a little overspill on page 40.

    page 38, marked with circles that say 10a, match up with the other circles marked 10a, and all together they make piece 10, the tunic front/back.

    Hope this helps!

    jodskiinca @jodskiinca

    Ok, so for page 40, the buttonhole template, I don’t need to cut anything out? That’s just a guide? I still don’t know what to do with page 38, with the 10a circles. I can’t tell where to cut it. I don’t see this piece on the cutting layout picture. It’s really confusing when there aren’t any pictures to show me what to do with it. πŸ™

    Thank you so much for responding.

    jodskiinca @jodskiinca

    I figured out the 10a piece. I reprinted and put them together before cutting. πŸ™‚

    Nicole @motherof5

    I trace the buttonhole template (onto tracing interfacing) and cut the button holes so I can use the as a guide on the finished garment.

    Sarvi @Sarvi

    Yeah, the pattern piece is shaped a bit like a trapezoid, I guess? And doesn’t all fit onto one page, so the four quadrants of it, upper and lower left, upper and lower right, are each found separately. Two of them are sort of skinny, so they both fit onto a single sheet of 8.5 x 11 paper — this saves you from having to use too much printer ink at home. The four circles that say 10a should all meet. I think that to have a further diagram for each individual pattern piece, would require using quite a lot of printer ink for folks print at home. Darn stuff is pricy! But you can see, on the big sheet, what the whole piece looks like, and since the “10a” circles all need to match up, that limits the different numbers of ways you can assemble them. Sounds like you’ve already figured everything out, but in case anybody else is hitting this snag, one cute trick is to look for a continuous black outline that defines the shape of the whole pattern piece, piece 10. You can see the shape of it both on the cutting layout and the giant pattern sheet.

    Hope this is helpful! Good luck!

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