Oliver + S

Purpose of blind-stitching the bucket hat?

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    Masha Richart

    I am learning so much from these patterns, and now I have another question. I’m currently blind-stitching my bucket hat, and I was wondering why the pattern calls for it, when I’m to edgestitch the same part of it in the next step. Is it to make it more secure? I imagine that it makes it easier to edgestitch without stretching the fabric and having bunching at the end. I’m just trying to increase my sewing knowledge here 🙂

    Nicole @motherof5

    I have not made this yet but I would assume the final stitching is decorative as well as stabilising the seam?

    If you do indeed top-stitch the seam after blind stitching it I think you should be able to baste and then top-stitch and then remove the basting stitches.

    Hand basting is a great way to prevent tucks and shifting when sewing fiddly bits.

    I don’t think I am answering your question,more agreeing with your assumption.

    Hopefully some one more experienced will give their view.

    Tamara @justsewit

    Blindstitching gives a nicer finish. The top stitching is to make it look like it has been stitched that way initially but you are right in your guess where the blindstitching gives it stability. We are using pieces that are not straight so with topstitching only you do run the risk of fabric bubbling and buckling. This is also a reversible hat so just because it may look good on one side when just topstitched who is to say it will look the same on the other side.

    Blindstitching the hem first does make it much easier to topstitch afterward. The topstitching is also to bind the two sides together. So I do recommend blindstitching the hat – I’ve made 6 or 7 of these and have hand stitched all of them and they’ve all come out beautiful so I’d do it just so you get a great result.

    Masha Richart

    Thanks, ladies. I took the blind-stitching slow and was delighted when I got to the end and there was no extra fabric. I can definitely see how this is going to aid in the final edgestitching. Almost done!

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