Oliver + S

Puppet Theater in little things to sew book

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    DebTester @DebTester

    Does anyone know the maker of the fabric that is used as the house material( cream background, red lines)? I have searched everywhere for it! Thanks!

    Liesl Gibson

    Deb, that’s one of the fabrics I designed specially for the book. It was printed by Spoonflower, and you can purchase the fabric from their website. Here’s a link to our shop there: http://www.spoonflower.com/profiles/oliverands

    I hope that helps!

    Sarvi @Sarvi

    http://staceyweeks.wordpress.com/tag/tablecloth-fort/ Wouldn’t this be a great use for the puppet theater?

    Nicole @motherof5

    Excellent idea, it could double as a cubby AND you could chuck all the toys in there is someone arrives unexpectedly.

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