Oliver + S

Puppet show shorts in denim?

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    Anonymous @

    I’m ready to make some shorts out of some medium weight, fairly sturdy denim. I’m wondering if this fabric will work for the puppet show shorts or if it will be too stiff? Perhaps I should stick with the Sandbox, Sailboat, or Sketchbook patterns? Have any of you made these with denim?

    Nicole @motherof5

    Some of the details may be fiddly but if you persevere they would be fabulous and wear well AND keep that lovely bloomy look.

    sayiamyou @maraya

    Sandi, I’m making these right now in a lightweight twill (which I imagine might be similar to your denim) and I can say that the pockets are a little fiddly (you know, a little thicker so the gathers take a little effort). Otherwise, they are going along smoothly and I expect will look very nice.

    Also, working on a lightweight denim pair at the same time and these are like butter. Soooo nice to work with. It’s the same material I made Niblet’s Sunday Brunch out of and I’m seriously considering just going back for the rest of the roll.

    Anonymous @

    Ok – I’m game to try it! I’ve got some very funky colors of denim so play with – bright green, purple, pink. They are really all just for play clothes, so if it’s not perfect, that’s OK too.

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